REPORT: Breonna Taylor ‘Extensive Ties’ To An Accused Drug Trafficker Arrested The SAME Night She Was Shot And Killed

Louisville Police released a report that gives some explanation of why her home was forcibly entered on March 13.
The internal report written by Louisville Metro Police does not attempt to explain or justify the shooting of Breonna Taylor, but simply sheds light on why a “no-knock warrant” was issued and why police broke into her apartment the night she was shot.
The prevailing media narrative is that Breonna Taylor was an innocent, 26-year old black woman, an Emergency Room technician, who was killed after police broke into her apartment in the middle of the night while investigating suspected drug traffickers. Taylor was shot 5 times after her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, opened fire on officers executing the “no-knock” warrant.
New details reveal that the case isn’t as cut-and-dry as the Media(D) would have you believe.
The Louisville Courier Journal reports:
The findings of the report, corroborated by jail phone recordings and other documents obtained by The Courier Journal, detail multiple links between Taylor and Jamarcus Glover of Louisville, a main target in a drug probe that prompted police to request the search warrant for Taylor’s apartment.
Plainclothes officers that night battered in her door, searching for drugs and illicit cash. None were found.
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Glover was arrested the same night as Taylor’s shooting. He was picked up at an alleged drug house 10 miles to the north in Louisville’s West End. He was released on bail but is now a fugitive after failing to post a new bail set at $50,000 when he was charged again last month.
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The connection with Glover is an important piece in this puzzle. The narcotics investigation was not just going after Glover, but several people believed to be involved in a drug trafficking ring. Police had reason to believe that Breonna Taylor had been involved because they believed that packages were being delivered to her apartment which Glover picked up and he said that she was in possession of several thousand dollars that belonged to him.
The Courier Journal has covered the Breonna Taylor shooting thoroughly. On May 12, LMPD Detective Joshua Jaynes said that Glover was seen entering Taylor’s apartment, leaving with a package, and then drove to a “known drug house.” Detective Jaynes also said that he had confirmed through a U.S. postal inspector that Glover was receiving packages at Taylor’s address, but that confirmation was later contradicted by Postal Inspector Tony Gooden.
There is clear evidence, however, that Glover and Taylor–who had previously dated–had a closer relationship than has been reported.
Police had placed a tracking device on Glover’s Dodge Charger and it shows that it was driven to Taylor’s apartment six times in January. In addition, several photographs of Glover entering and exiting Taylor’s apartment were included in the application for the warrant because investigators believed that drugs and money were being held at Taylor’s residence.
A recorded jail call made by Glover on the same day that Taylor was shot, names her as the person who was “handling” all his money.
Glover made a call from jail about 12 hours after he was arrested March 13 at 2424 Elliott Ave. — the same day Taylor was shot and killed by police executing a search warrant at her apartment signed by Jefferson Circuit Judge Mary Shaw.
In that recorded March 13 call, Glover, 30, told a girlfriend that Taylor was holding $8,000 for him and that she had been “handling all my money.” No money was found at her residence during the police search.
But that’s not all…other recorded calls reveal that Taylor was still quite friendly with Glover.
On Jan. 3, for example, following Glover’s arrest on trafficking and weapons charges, he called Taylor from the jail and asked her to contact one of his co-defendants to get bail money.
Taylor responded that the associate was “already at the trap” — slang for a house used for drug trafficking.
Glover told her to be on standby to pick him up if he made bail. “I’m going to get me some rest in your bed,” he said, according to the recording.
“Love you,” he said, at the end of the call.
“Love you, too,” she replied.
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The Courier Journal adds that there were several instances that Breonna Taylor had posted bond for Glover and another man involved in the case, Darreal Forest.
While there is no evidence other than Glover’s assertion that Taylor was holding money for him, other details in the case–that the group had concealed weapons in nearby abandoned houses near their “trap house” were accurate. Police seized five handguns and three rifles from empty buildings near the Elliott Avenue drug house.
One of the individuals charged, Demarius Bowman, said that another woman, Alicia “Kesha” Jones was the one that was holding all of the money.
Police found Jones was in possession of $3,413 in cash following a search of the Elliott Avenue address.
Jones, Glover and Bowman, along with three other defendants — Rayshawn Lee, 33; Anthony J. Taylor II, 31; and Adrian Walker, 28 — are charged with complicity in trafficking in a controlled substance and running an organized crime syndicate.
The release of the report is being slammed by those who insist that Breonna was an innocent black woman murdered by police in her home. They’re calling it “victim-blaming” and an attempt to justify police actions after-the-fact.
Keturah Herron, a policy strategist with the Kentucky ACLU, said that the release of the report was “disrespectful” and “distasteful.”
“We have seen this, historically, not just in Breonna’s case, but in cases across the nation,” Herron told The Courier Journal. “They did it with Freddie Gray. They did it with Trayvon Martin. And then just recently, they did it with Jacob Blake (the victim of a police shooting this week in Kenosha, Wisconsin).
“What’s important here is that regardless of what Breonna was involved in from the day that she was born until March 13, it does not give reason for her to be murdered the way she was murdered,” she said.
Source: Louisville Courier Journal
One law enforcement officer that requested anonymity told the Courier Journal, “Breonna Taylor did not deserve to die no matter what her role in all this.”
Sam Aguir, the attorney for Taylor’s estate, who filed a wrongful death suit against the city on April 27, emailed the Courier Journal, and stated, “while this looks like a smear campaign, I also appreciate the need for everything to get out to the public about this case. Good and bad.”
The Democrat Mayor of Louisville, Greg Fischer, said in a statement issued early on Tuesday, “Breonna Taylor’s death was a tragedy. Period. Justice, peace and healing are what is needed for her, for her family and for our community.”
Fischer condemned the release of the report as “deeply reckless” because it “presents only a small fraction of the entire investigation, to be shared with the media while the criminal process remains ongoing. It would be unjust to draw conclusions about this case before the investigation is complete and the full truth comes out. And, efforts to sway opinion and impact the investigation by releasing select information are wrong and divisive, at a time when our city needs unity more than ever before.” (Emphasis added)
That’s an interesting take.
It seems that there’s a bit of a double standard here–it’s just fine to make a snap judgment against law enforcement officers who no one seems to dispute were returning fire while trying to bring to justice an “organized crime syndicate.”
Does this mean that the shooting of Breonna Taylor was justified or that she was even involved in drug trafficking–even peripherally? That, unfortunately, still remains unclear.
At the same time, those of us who generally “back the blue” need to recognize that sometimes an officer-involved shooting isn’t justified and that there are incidents of racism by police officers. Does that mean it’s “systemic? No.
That’s the problem with jumping to conclusions before an investigation is complete. Unfortunately, they often take a long time to gather all of the facts and people get impatient with the slow gears of justice and rush to judgment on their own.
What this report does show is that police had real reasons to believe that Taylor was involved on some level in an organized drug trafficking ring.
We’re seeing in real-time that any attempt to report facts that contradict the narrative that black people in America are “hunted down for no reason” will be slammed as “victim-blaming.”
This is largely due to a blatantly partisan press that presents feelings over facts and doesn’t really want to report things that contradict their preferred conclusions.
The facts don’t really seem to matter–just the narrative.