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WATCH: BLM Leader Defends Looting Because The U.S. ‘Steals’ And ‘Pillages’ From Other Countries

Somebody’s mom didn’t teach him that “two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Martha McCallum had New York BLM Chair, Hawk Newsome on her show again on Tuesday evening, and it got pretty heated. Newsome refused to answer her questions directly and made some outrageous statements including what appeared to be tacit approval of looting as a form of reparations. We don’t know for certain because Newsome was cagey with some of his answers.

The first time Newsome appeared on The Story he said that if BLM doesn’t get what it wants they’ll “burn it down.” He was cagey then, too. He said that it could be taken figuratively or literally “depending on your interpretation.”

ClashDaily covered Newsome’s “burn it down” comment here:

HEY PATRIOTS: BLM Leader Makes Dangerous Ultimatum On TV… Is That News?

McCallum asked Newsome his thoughts on Rudy Giuliani’s comments on her show on Monday night characterizing the larger BLM movement as a “domestic terrorist organization” for turning a blind eye to looting and rioting.

The Chair of BLM New York went off on Giuliani personally calling him “a blowhard who runs his mouth” and McCallum tried to bring the focus back to the statement rather than the man who said it. Newsome also bizarrely said that Guiliani should have condemned the KKK as terrorists responsible for “bloodshed for hundreds of years” as well as the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963, the organizational headquarters for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other leaders at the height of the Civil Rights movement.

Newsome doesn’t seem to realize that the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats pushing back against the Republican reconstruction of the South, and was still supported by Democrats in the modern era. Even Biden called KKK supporters “fine people.”

When McCallum finally explained to him that Giuliani was talking about looters and people ruining businesses, Newsome replied, “So when America goes and steals diamonds and oils, who’s calling us terrorists? When the American government goes and pillages different countries, who’s calling us terrorists?”

MacCallum then turned the conversation to recent remarks by Chicago BLM activist Ariel Atkins, who defended looting as a form of reparations. In response, Newsome suggested that criticizing looters was an outgrowth of White supremacy.

“The problem with oppression and White supremacy is, White supremacy will have you criticizing the oppressed and worshiping the oppressors,” he said. “Now, if you want to talk to me about reparations, nothing falls short of a solution other than people cutting a check. If you want to do something about reparations, cut the check.

“And we’re not talking about going in everyday Americans’ pockets,” he added. “We’re talking about banks like Brown Brothers Harriman, who benefited from slavery. Other insurance companies that sold insurance policies on slaves. We’re talking about the American government that was founded on the backs of slaves.

Source: Fox News

She asked Newsome directly, “Do you think–do you agree that it’s okay to go in and break the windows at Gucci’s or Macy’s or Nike because it makes sure that that person eats and that person has clothes? That was my question to you. Is that ethically okay to you?”

Newsome responds, “Okay, okay. Okay. And before I answer that, I want to ask you this, do you think it’s okay that America kills people in their homes like Breonna Taylor and our politicians do not do anything about it.”

At this point, the normally unflappable McCallum got pretty frustrated with Newsome’s non-answers and circular arguments.


McCallum is right, there are two different issues here, but Newsome doesn’t want to address that, he wants to conflate them.

This is the problem…you can’t have an actual discussion with many of these activists. Any criticism is “white supremacy” even if you’re not white. They truly believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. When you try to get them to define their terms, they deflect and change the subject. If you ask them what they mean, they make sweeping generalizations or pick one thing that pretty much everyone condemns–like the death of Breonna Taylor–and say that if you disagree with them that you want people to die or are racist, or some other nonsense.

Clearly, Newsome wants to be taken seriously by the media and by the far-left extremists that are willing to bully, steal, and set fire to the country if they don’t get what they want.

It kinda reminds me of this clip:

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker