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BLACK LIVES MAGA: The Real Secret To Trump’s Electoral Success

If you believed liars like Joe Biden and Cable TV media, you would assume that all of Trump’s support — past and present — comes from ‘under-educated’ white voters. There’s a serious problem with that logic…

The reality is that Trump underperformed in the white vote when compared to, say, Mitt Romney. Trump’s electoral success was delivered by a different voter block.

In 2016, Donald Trump got a lower share of the white vote than the previous Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, and white turnout was stagnant as compared to 2012. Trump was able to win nonetheless because he got a higher share of Black and Hispanic voters than his predecessor — up roughly 3 percentage points with African Americans and 2 percentage points with Hispanics — helping tilt pivotal races in states such as Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania toward Trump.

…That is, it was minorities, not whites, who proved more decisive for Trump’s victory.

Going into Election Day in 2020, Trump seems poised to do even better with minority voters. His gains in the polling have been highly consistent and broad-based among Blacks and Hispanics — with male voters and female voters, the young and the old, educated and uneducated. Overall, Trump is polling about 10 percentage points higher with African Americans than he did in 2016, and 14 percentage points higher with Hispanics. –MSN

So, why are (in particular) black men splitting off to Trump in numbers not seen since at least the Nixon ’72 campaign?

Well for one thing, Trump isn’t a prissy little Tinkerpot.

Trump’s party still has room for the belief that masculinity is a GOOD thing, not just a toxic issue to be solved.

Here is some real masculine energy being thrown behind a meaningful cause.

Did we mention this was California?

It doesn’t take a jump of very many percent to completely ruin any Democrat electoral hopes for years to come.

What could this shift in support mean for the President’s chances?

An article from last December played with the numbers and explained:

Of course, a 35 percent favorability rating may not translate into 35 percent support in the 2020 election, but it doesn’t have to. Even a substantial gain to double-digit support could provide the margin of difference in key swing states, such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, sealing Trump’s reelection. –Federalist

Let’s line that up against a poll from September…

An Emerson poll released on Monday found that 19 percent of black voters will vote for the president this November, while a Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll released on Sunday also found the level of black support for the president at 19 percent, and a Zogby poll released on Monday showed 20 percent of black voters intend to vote for Trump instead of Biden.-Breitbart

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck