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Chris Evans Took YEARS Building A ‘Bipartisan’ Political Website — Now He’s Calling For A List Of Trump ‘Enablers’

I think we’ve found Hollywood’s Worst Chris and it’s not even close.

Remember how there was this thing going around on Twitter about “Hollywood’s Worst Chris” and Chris Pratt was selected by leftists as the “winner” of that distinction? It’s because they had their panties in a bunch because Pratt is openly Christian, pro-America, pro-hunting, and the horror of horrors, he didn’t attend a Biden fundraiser featuring Kamala Harris. It’s pretty clear, though that Chris Pratt is the very Best Hollywood Chris. 

The man that played Captain America, though… eh, not so much.

I really want to like Chris Evans and then he does things that remind me that he’s just another stupid, ideological leftist albeit much better looking than most.

He does things that I really want to applaud.

Like this…

In July, Evans launched a “bipartisan” website to help inform voters called “A Starting Point.” It took him two years to build it because lawmakers didn’t think that he was serious at first.

It’s honestly a really good idea. It gets lawmakers to weigh in on issues directly. There is a Point/Counterpoint section with discussions between Republican and Democrat politicians, 2-minute answers by lawmakers on relevant issues such as:

  • the Economy
  • Education
  • Rights
  • Immigration
  • Government

He posted a video about the website on his Instagram account.

Chris was so proud of his accomplishment.

He’s talked about it on Jimmy Kimmel’s show.

In short — he did a good thing. I think it’s important to know both sides of an issue and not live in an ideological bubble.

Chances are Evans, devout leftist that he is, thought that the 60+ million people that voted for Trump in 2016 were “low information voters” and he wanted to “help” with that. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Rightwingers are more informed on the issues. It was true in 2012 and confirmed in 2016. It seems that the Partisan Press and Big Tech kept voters uninformed in 2020 which may have shifted the results of the election.

Fast forward to November 2020, and now Evans is (rather obliquely) calling for an “Enemies List.”

Actors Zach Braff and Chris Evans publicized their determination on Twitter to “remember” the supporters of President Donald Trump, since apparently they are to blame for his actions…

…Chris Evans, who is famous for his portrayal of Captain America in Marvel Cinematic Universe films, tweeted similar sentiments on November 19: “#RememberWhoSaidNothing”

I’m so disappointed right now.

The tweet is rather vague, but it is likely a reference to the Trump supporters that are backing recounts and legal challenges and urging the President not to concede, or perhaps it’s those that supported the President’s agenda. Who knows? It’s not very clear.

After years of working on a “bipartisan” website to inform voters, he still sees “us” vs “them” and “they” need to be held accountable for what… disagreeing? What the heck is the point of the website, then?

This is the man that donned the uniform of the great Marvel superhero, Captain America. As an actor, you’d think that perhaps playing the role so many times and examining who Cap was created to be would’ve given him a bit of perspective — but no.

I’m apparently not the only one who saw the deep disconnect between the actor and his most famous role.

“Remember who said nothing?” What is this? Is Evans trying to indicate that Trump advocates are enemies of the state? Is he encouraging big brother government, where machines daily spy on people who have been labeled as “dangerous” to monitor their every action? Didn’t Evans condemn stuff like that as his titular role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier? He’s starting to make Trump adherents sound like bystanders to a crime. Who else is wondering if that was intended?

Evans is just another resentful anti-Trumper who feels the need to voice his indignation. Consequently, he’s egging on an already volatile leftist base to engage in behavior that threatens the safety of right-wingers. He should take a lesson from his most notable film role.

Or a lesson from Hollywood history. Who could forget the infamous Hollywood Blacklist in the years after World War II? How long until people are demanded to answer, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a supporter of President Donald J. Trump?”

SOurce: Newsbusters

Now, I’m pretty confident that if the roles were reversed and Biden was the one challenging the results of the election, Evans would be tweeting something completely different — probably about Russian election meddling or some other exaggerated leftwing conspiracy theory.

I have been a fan of Captain America since I was a child. I had a somewhat dorky childhood in a small town in Canada. One of the things I loved to do was reading my older brother’s comic books, and Captain America was actually one of my favorites.

Cap stood for the best things in America — strength, liberty, resilience, faithfulness, and doing what is right, even if it means it’s America against the world. He was the epitome of American Exceptionalism.

Chris Evans is clearly no Captain America.

Hollywood’s. Worst. Chris.

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker