With So Many Female And Minority New Gun Owners, Who Will Biden’s Gun Laws Help?

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Biden promised he would not be a Trojan Horse ‘moderate’ figurehead under which the hard left could smuggle in their most odious policy initiatives.
He claimes to have ‘defeated’ the Socialists, and that he IS the Democrat party.
That was a lie. He has become their avatar, to the absolute delight of the AOC and Bernie Sanders wing of his party. Caveat Emptor.
Now he is turning his attention to one leftist policy that he was actually honest about. He has set his sights on a ‘rethink’ of Second Amendment Rights.
“This Administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call. We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer,” the president said his statement Sunday.
In addition to background checks and an assault-weapons ban, Biden is calling on Congress to outlaw high-capacity magazines and make gun manufacturers liable for the role their products play in violence.
“For three years now, the Parkland families have spent birthdays and holidays without their loved ones,” Biden said.
“Today, as we mourn with the Parkland community, we mourn for all who have lost loved ones to gun violence,” he said. –NBC4
He is using the anniversary of the school shooting as a convenient political prop for his proposed policy, but not even all the victims’ families are on board with his measures.
Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was 14 when she was killed in the shooting, addressed the president in a tweet Sunday.
“Mr. President, thank you for remembering the loved ones taken from us 3 years ago,” he wrote. “Alaina loved this country and the freedoms it guarantees. Common sense tells us that honoring her life does not require infringement on the rights of law-abiding citizens.”
In an interview Sunday, Petty said the president’s proposals won’t prevent more tragedies.
“It’s wrong to focus on the weapon,” said Petty, who is now a member of the state school board. “For those who understand what happened that day, there were mistakes. This was the most preventable school shooting in the history of our country. The warning signs were there. It was clear the killer had intentions to attack the school.” –NBC4
Joe may want to do a little more research before he charges ahead blindly with his gun-control initiatives. The people whose rights he is busy infringing upon may not be the ‘evil white men’ he loves scapegoating so much.
Many of the newest gun owners are explicitly NOT ‘white guys’. And he should take note of their reasons for becoming gun owners in the first place.
With the defunding of the police, they no longer feel safe.
Gun sales among black Americans skyrocketed by 56% in 2020, partly in response to a push to “defund police” leaving many Americans worried about protecting themselves, according to a gun expert with Gun Owners of America.
…NSSF reported that women accounted for 40% of all sales, and purchases by African-Americans increased by 56% compared to 2019.
Gun expert Antonia Okafor Cover, national spokesperson for Gun Owners of America “absolutely” thinks part of the spike among black gun owners is due to black Americans living in neighborhoods where demands to “defund the police” have left people feeling vulnerable and exposed to violence.
“They understand that their safety is truly in their own hands,” Okafor Cover told “Just the News AM” television program. —JustTheNews
Liberals have this bizzarro idea that Second Amendment supporters only want white guys to have guns, and that we would freak out if gun ownership among minorities were on the rise.
Sorry, libs. That’s proof positive of how your bigoted tropes can twist the mind.
Our one and only criteria for gun ownership is that the gun owners be law-abiding.
White, black, blue, male, female, trans — none of that crap matters. As long as you will use it responsibly for self-defense, and not recklessly for endangering others, we’ve got no issue.
The funny thing about living in a Constitutional Republic — those rights belong to all citizens.
Which brings us back to the question we began with — if minorities and women are buying guns in record numbers because Democrat policy about defunding the police has made them feel less secure in their neighborhoods — who, exactly, do these proposed gun laws actually help?