SEND IN THE CLOWNS: With Vote For Witnesses, The Impeachment Show Must Go On

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Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.
Things happen really slowly in DC, until someone decides it’s time to get it done. Somebody must have lit a fire under Schumer’s ass, because not long after this was written, the Democrats had agreed to skip the witness step and go directly to the verdict. We covered that story here:
Second Annual Presidential Impeachment Ends In Acquittal — Here’s The 411
The same Democrats who fought like hell from day one to prevent Trump from getting any business accomplished in the House or Senate by slow-walking every possible piece of legislation to the best of their ability, and throwing wrenches into every possible policy goal may have just done the same thing to themselves.
In their zeal to turn Trump into either a political pariah or a political martyr with their second-annual impeachment process (and only time will tell which history will remember him as), they may have tripped over their own feet.
The trial that was supposed to wrap up today or tomorrow — will be dragging on for a while yet.
Pelosi neither asked for nor required specific evidence in the course of ramming through the impeachment process. Senators spent more careful thought deliberating the rules that should govern the process than the House did about whether Trump had actually done anything deserving of impeachment.
They had the votes, they had a narrative, and nobody had the power to stop them, so, like good little Democrat activists, they exercised raw political power for the benefit of their party.
After the sort of softball questions we had seen Senators lob to House Managers or the defense team last time, it came time for a vote of whether witnesses should be called.
Not surprisingly, this was a ‘mostly’ party line vote. Every Democrat voted yes. Four predictable ‘moderate Republicans’ joined them — Romney, Sass, Collins, Murkowski — as did one less obvious supporter: Lindsey Graham.
The left is looking for information detrimental to Trump — specifically, an alleged conversation between the President and Minority House leader McCarthy. Graham has a different ‘what did you know and when did you know it’ question in mind.
He wants to see Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser put under oath to answer questions about their role in refusing to act on calls for additional security.
However this plays out, it will occupy the Senate, preventing them from conducting other business. Likewise, it will keep some members of a very narrowly-balanced House occupied for the foreseeable near future.
Isn’t that almost the exact ‘resist’ strategy the Democrats employed for the last 4 years?
I guess old habits die hard.