TWO Masks Are Now Required In Manhattan Federal Court Buildings — Here’s The 411

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It has begun. We’re going to be forced to wear multiple masks, aren’t we?
The Southern District of New York has decided to mandate not one but two masks in federal court and other buildings. The other option is wearing the medical-grade N95 masks that were in short supply early in the pandemic because China was hoarding them.
Visitors to Manhattan federal court and other buildings in the Southern District of New York are now required to either wear two face masks or an FDA-approved N95 mask.
The double-mask requirement was included in the federal court district’s COVID-19 “phased re-entry plan” released on Feb. 11.
“You are required to wear either: (i) one disposable mask underneath a cloth mask
with the edges of the inner mask pushed against your face; or (ii) a properly fitted, FDA-authorized KN95 (or N95) mask,” the text of the plan states.
Source: New York Post
Security guards will be enforcing the double-mask mandate, but there are some face-coverings that will not be accepted. “Gaiters, bandannas, or masks with valves/vents are not acceptable face coverings. If you do not have the approved mask(s), a screener will provide one. No one will be admitted without the proper mask(s),” reads the guidelines.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. We should’ve seen it coming under a Biden administration and the Pandemic Panic peddled by the corporate media.
Even the Center for Disease Control, who initially said that masks weren’t necessary, are now suggesting that double-masking is the way to go.
A recent CDC study shows that two masks are better than just one, however, the study was quite limited — they only used one brand of surgical mask and one brand of cloth mask on two artificial heads. It’s unclear if the results would be the same with other brands of masks.
The theory is that a cloth mask worn over a surgical mask will improve the fit to prevent “leakage” and close up the gaps of the surgical mask.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday reported the results of a lab experiment that spaced two artificial heads 6 feet from each other and checked to see how many coronavirus-sized particles spewed by one were inhaled by the other.
The researchers found that wearing one mask — surgical or cloth — blocked around 40% of the particles coming toward the head that was breathing in. When a cloth mask was worn on top of a surgical mask, about 80% were blocked.
When both the exhaling and inhaling heads were double-masked, more than 95% of the particles were blocked, said the CDC’s Dr. John Brooks.
Source: ABC News
They fell short of mandating two masks… for now.
Dr. Fauci, who famously said a year ago that masks don’t really work, and Americans shouldn’t wear them, became a very big mask advocate. So big, in fact, that he suggested that double-masking is just “common sense.”
COVIDICTATOR: Dr. Fauci Is Now Advocating For ‘Double-Masking’
When the CDC director said that double masks can actually be dangerous, he flip-flopped and tried to distance himself from his comments of the day before.
But the corporate media pushing the pandemic porn just looooves the idea of more masks, so he’s back onto the double-mask bandwagon.
Of course, there are some that still question the efficacy of mask use, not because they question “The Science” (because if you cite a CDC study that shows COVID spread among people who regularly wore masks, or if you reference the 2015 study that shows that people wearing cloth masks were more likely to contract a respiratory virus, you’ll probably be accused of “dangerous or derogatory content” and have your ad revenue stripped) but because so many people don’t wear them properly, and many of the mandates don’t make sense. Why does a mask work indoors at a restaurant or on a plane but you can remove it to eat or drink in that same restaurant or on that same plane?
We’ve been covering masks here at ClashDaily for about a year now.
Let’s put aside “The Science” about the efficacy of masks for a second, and let’s just talk about how people work.
We see the same thing that you see — so many people not wearing masks properly, touching their faces then spreading the germs all over. We’ve even seen the current president lifting his mask to wipe his nose…
GROSS – Joe Biden Pulls Down Mask to Wipe Nose ?
— Jeffrey Lord (@realJeffreyLord) June 18, 2020
Gross is right!
Riddle me this, Clash Reader, if doctors and nurses don’t wash their hands regularly unless they are actively monitored — even during a pandemic — how are you going to make sure that Joe Schmo is using wearing his cloth mask properly and washing it regularly? Hell, you can’t even get 100% of people to wash their hands after going to the toilet and you think that they’re going to wear masks properly?!
Good luck with that.
Don’t miss these mask-related articles:
- WTF? CDC Says That Wearing Cloth Masks Help Stop Spread COVID-19 But Won’t Protect Against Wildfire Smoke Particles
- Dutch Medical Experts Have Said That Masks Don’t Stop The Spread Of COVID
- Dentists Warn That Prolonged Mask Use Can Cause SERIOUS Health Risks–Here’s The 411 On ‘Mask Mouth’
- COVIDICTATORS: Pennsylvania Mandates Mask-Wearing In Your Own Home — No, This Is Not Satire
- CLASH POLL: Should We Jail COVIDictators That Violate Their Own Orders?
- LMAO: Wait Until The ‘Ban Straws’ People See What Masks In The Ocean Look Like! (Video)
- REPORT: China Is Using Uighur Labor To Produce Face Masks And PPE For Export Worldwide
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- Mask Nazis
- WATCH: CDC Director Redfield Tells Senate Committee That A Facemask Is Better Protection Against COVID Than A Vaccine