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WATCH: Lawyer Breaks Down The Infamous Time Article About The Secret ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ That ‘Fortified’ The 2020 Election

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A Time Magazine article has raised some eyebrows in rightwing circles. A former lawyer turned YouTuber reads between the lines of the article. His take should be seen by every Trump-supporter.

Viva Frei, the Montreal “vlawger” breaks down the infamous Time Magazine article that admits that Trump was right — there was a “secret cabal” working in the shadows to ensure a particular result. At least, that’s his take on it.

He shows you how the article is framed and how you should interpret the article.

The article is set up for you to believe that there was a secret bipartisan effort to secure the election from interference from any sort, but as the article goes on, it’s clear that that’s not at all what happened.

Here is the one paragraph that our new favorite Canadian says sums up the article:

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.
Source: Time Magazine

Right from the get-go, the first few paragraphs note how cities braced for riots following the results of the election but… nothing happened. Instead, once Biden was announced the winner days later, celebrations broke out in the streets.

Weird how there was a threat of riot and then no riot happened when the Democrat who spent almost the entire Presidential campaign in his basement suddenly started creeping ahead of a very popular Republican incumbent, eh?

Much later in the article, it’s pretty clear that these were “astroturf” events coordinated by activists who would have organized to riot had things swung the other way.

Activists reoriented the Protect the Results protests toward a weekend of celebration. “Counter their disinfo with our confidence & get ready to celebrate,” read the messaging guidance Shenker-Osorio presented to the liberal alliance on Friday, Nov. 6. “Declare and fortify our win. Vibe: confident, forward-looking, unified–NOT passive, anxious.” The voters, not the candidates, would be the protagonists of the story.

The planned day of celebration happened to coincide with the election being called on Nov. 7. Activists dancing in the streets of Philadelphia blasted Beyoncé over an attempted Trump campaign press conference; the Trumpers’ next confab was scheduled for Four Seasons Total Landscaping outside the city center, which activists believe was not a coincidence. “The people of Philadelphia owned the streets of Philadelphia,” crows the Working Families Party’s Mitchell. “We made them look ridiculous by contrasting our joyous celebration of democracy with their clown show.”
Source: Time Magazine

It’s also pretty clear as you read on that this wasn’t a “bipartisan” effort as the author claimed. Perhaps that’s why the headline of the article was changed from “The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved The 2020 Election” to “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” The editors over at Time must’ve known that the first headline was pushing it.

But it’s still there in the source code:

H/T: Small Dead Animals

Viva Frei cuts through the journo B.S. and exposes the overtly-biased media bragging about how they “fortified” the election against the incumbent President because they just didn’t like him or his policies.

The leftists and the journos just couldn’t help it, could they?

They just had to brag about it, didn’t they?

They don’t like Trump, they don’t like you supporting Trump. They’ve made that pretty clear. Despite all the disingenuous calls for “unity” from Joe Biden, they want those who worked for Trump punished if not ostracized, and Trump supporters “re-educated.”

They don’t even realize that it’s this demand for ideological conformity to the left or face consequences — either social or financial — is what caused Trump to win in the first place.

They just never learn, do they?

 Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male

by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now: Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker