Armed Atlanta Bro Tries To Rob A Chick-Fil-A … That Was A Mistake

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What a different country we would be if THIS could be expected as an everyday response to crime? How many criminals would decide the risk wasn’t worth the gain?
It was the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday, in broad daylight, when one scumbag got it in his head that it would be a good idea to rob the store. He never counted on being the one who was afraid for his life.
The incident occurred last Tuesday at a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, Ga., WSB-TV 2 reports. The armed suspect reportedly walked into the restaurant, threatened workers with the gun and demanded money. During the robbery, one of the cashiers reportedly fled to the back of the fast-food joint, after which the suspect attempted to leave. It’s unclear if the suspect managed to take any money from the restaurant before fleeing.
Several customers confronted the man on his way out of the restaurant, one of whom as armed. The armed customer reportedly fired two shots and held the suspect at gunpoint until authorities could arrive. Witnesses initially said the suspect, too, had fired a gun during the attempted robbery, although police later confirmed that the armed bystander was the only individual to fire any shots.
No one was injured during the incident. –FoxNews
That’s how it is supposed to go. The threat of force was sufficient to subdue a man who would not have listened to reason. And he was held until authorities could take him into custody.
The thief’s name is Willie Gloston IV, 23, and there isn’t any address in the report.
Willie Gloston was charged with armed robbery, aggravated assault, and possession of a gun. Currently, he’s in the Fulton County jail.An almost identical situation occurred last month in Philadelphia.
Two male persons stopped a Chevy Cruze right before a pedestrian and got out before showing him the gun, stated The Philadelphia Police Department.The victim fired two shots. The suspect was in critical condition with a head wound at the hospital. –TheTrueDefender
Willie Gloston IV isn’t exactly the world’s most common name. There was a social media account of someone with the same name. While it is possible the name similarity is a coincidence, it’s a longshot.
There is someone posting on Instagram under the same moniker with some interesting photos.
If the person posting is the same as the punk busted in this incident, he looks like someone trying to pass himself off as a tough guy. If he gets convicted for armed robbery, he’ll get his chance to show just how tough he really is . . . in prison.
Accept no substitutes for the original tough guy.
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