‘Nosy’ Is An Air Purifier That Fits Over Your Nose — No, This Is Not Satire

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It really looks like satire, but it’s apparently a real product that is being developed.
This is a joke, right? pic.twitter.com/8c1l0yZqxs
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) March 5, 2021
It is not a joke, it’s a new design for a filter for your nose called Nosy. It was first marketed as a wearable air purifier to deal with air pollution in cities. There are even a couple of former Dyson engineers on the team.
Here is the creator and founder of Nosy, Carina Cunha, explaining why she created Nosy.
Here’s the initial video from Kickstarter:
This thing has a distinctly late 80s vibe to it.
Don’t believe me?
With this little doohickey on your schnoz, you’d look like a character from a late 1980s low-budget British Sci-Fi comedy that became a cult classic.
Or maybe Humpty of Digital Underground fame…
See what I mean?
Somehow “C’mon, do the Nosey Dance” just doesn’t have that same sort of ring to it.
Okay, I could see a real market for this in, say… Beijing, where the air pollution affected the performance of Olympic athletes in 2008.
However, it’s now being marketed as an alternative to masks… well, sort of.
Cunha says that although the Nosy team launched the Kickstarter in May 2020 — and that the concept for Nosy had been in mind for years — the direction changed from creating just an air filter dealing with pollutants, to also as a product for use during pandemics.
The Kickstarter page says that Nosy is a “sustainable device designed to protect against airborne particles. NosyX is our solution to pandemics.” The NosyX product is basically a Nosy with a mask for your mouth, so not really an alternative at all.
From a Nosy Instagram post, “Meet NosyX – our mouth covering is not only washable and reusable but coated in Silver Ion nano technology which lab tests prove 99.997% efficacy of destroying bacteria and virus particles on contact!!!”
In keeping with their aesthetic, they’ve used a background that looks like the standard high school photo backdrop of the late-80s.
So, you still have to wear a mask, but now you get to wear a weird thing on your nose, too!
The marketing of this product is just awful!
It’s not just a product to filter the air and keep you healthy — it’s a fashion accessory.
“Look! All the cool kids are wearing one!”
I do have a question for the creators of Nosy — How do you wear it with glasses? It doesn’t look like that would be easy or be very comfortable.
But I’ll bet that once this thing goes mainstream, they’re gonna make a mint from the pandemic porn addicts.
Seriously, though.
We all know what this thing really is…
Yep, it’s a clown nose.
At least you’ll be able to identify them when they finally take off the mask.