Contacting AOC

Recently Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has been on social media ranting not only about her allegedly being in danger on January 6, but also how she doesn’t want to hear Republicans talk about Blue Lives Matter ever again or how Senator Ted Cruz will never be President (obviously she is out to destroy him). Her various tirades can be viewed on her social media accounts, as well as YouTube.
If you wish to contact her, you can call her at 202-225-3965, or write her at 216 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515-3214.
It is unclear if anyone in her office will answer the phone, or if the automated system will be helpful.
At any rate, I decided that the following items should be sent to her in response to her leftist views:
- Any CD with the Loretta Lynn song Coal Miner’s Daughter (whether it be a Loretta Lynn CD or a CD that with only that song), given AOC’s advocacy of Green Energy.
- The film Coal Miner’s Daughter.
- Any t-shirt, bumper sticker, etc. that has slogans such as Clean Coal, If You Don’t Like Coal Don’t Use Electricity, Drill Here, Drill Now, Nuclear Energy is Clean Energy, Blue Lives Matter, Police Lives Matter.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science by Tom Bethell.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism by Christopher C. Horner.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change by Marc Morano.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas E. Woods Jr.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (and Why It Will Rise Again) by Clint Johnson.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War by H.W. Crocker III.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution by Kevin R.C. Gutzman.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism by Robert Murphy.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism by Kevin D. Williamson.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism by Paul Kengor.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal by Robert Murphy.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration by John Zmirak and Al Perrotta.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Hunting by Frank Miniter.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism by John Zmirak.
- Sculptures made from coal.
You can send such items at any time, or you can wait to send them to AOC for her birthday, which is October 13.
You can also send a lump of coal to her for Christmas.