Twitter Users Are Scratching Their Heads Over This Video Of Biden Taking Questions From The Press

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Some say that a green screen was used to show President Biden out talking to the media, others say that it’s just an odd camera angle. Whatever it is, it’s definitely weird.
Just to be clear to the fact-checkers and the ad-hosting services out there…
This is examining what other people are saying on Twitter. ClashDaily is not suggesting that President Biden isn’t a real person and a CGI construct.
Let’s be real for a second…it’s pretty strange that President Biden barely appears in front of the (largely) fawning press that consistently lobs softball questions at him.
Remember when his team was pulling the plug on reporters during virtual interviews and Biden’s team was calling a “lid” day after day during the campaign? I do. When Joe finally came out of his basement, the big question the media asked him was what flavor ice cream he had ordered.
Our media should be ashamed for making the North Korean media blush over the blatant partisanship, but they’re not. One would have to have the capacity to feel shame in order to be ashamed.
The thing is, average voters are noticing that the new occupant of the White House isn’t nearly as accessible as the previous one.
It has been 56 days since the Inauguration and President Biden has not given a solo press conference. This is the longest stretch of time that a newly-elected President has waited to face the press in 100 years.
Yesterday, the White House announced that the President would hold his fist solo presser on March 25 — his 64th day in office. It apparently takes nine days to prep President Biden for the tough questions he’s going to face — like what his favorite pasta shape is. (I’m just speculating, but you know it’s going to be about that speed.)
Oh, I know I shouldn’t mock the press. They apparently asked him a tough question just yesterday as he was getting ready to board Marine One. The video posted by The Hill received a whole lot of scrutiny, but for all the wrong reasons.
Reporter: “Do you have any plans to travel to the southern border?”
President Biden: “Not at the moment.”
— The Hill (@thehill) March 16, 2021
Leaving aside the whole border crisis going on right now because Biden said that he’d stop deportations for the first 100 days, and during the Democratic debates all of the candidates promised “undocumented migrants” free healthcare and Joe Biden urged asylum-seekers to cross the border illegally because America is a welcoming nation…
Did that video look…off to you?
You’re not alone.
There’s something funky going on with the mics and Biden’s hand.
The more you watch, the weirder it gets.
Are there any other angles of this footage? There were other cameras there. It’s probably just weirdness with the lens and angle.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 17, 2021
Even when you line up the second angle with the first one it does not make sense how his hand is over the grey mic in the first video.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 17, 2021
An anonymous Twitter user with the handle “Aldous Huxley’s Ghost” posted a thread with an examination of the video that captures the questions most people are posing about the video.
It’s a truckload of weird.
There’s also the sound of a helicopter audible in the clip, but the helo’s blades are not spinning.
— Aldous Huxley’s Ghost™ (@AF632) March 17, 2021
That’s on top of the clearly obvious green screen they have going with the mics. You can clearly see it when his hands cross them.
— Aldous Huxley’s Ghost™ (@AF632) March 17, 2021
The CGI also has issues tracking the top of his head in the video. They clearly need to pay for Pixar-quality work if they’re trying to deceive the whole world.
— Aldous Huxley’s Ghost™ (@AF632) March 17, 2021
A good researcher would find the original video, if there is one, of Biden in this green screen fake. Wouldn’t that be newsy!
— Aldous Huxley’s Ghost™ (@AF632) March 17, 2021
Also noticeably absent: Jill Biden. Usually she’s right on his arm.
— Aldous Huxley’s Ghost™ (@AF632) March 17, 2021
Some Twitter users gave their best explanations for the odd video — Biden is leaning in, there’s a distortion of the camera.
for all the people saying this is green screen or CGI, it’s just an illusion because of the camera distortion here’s a side by side of an alternate angle where you can see how far apart the mics are and one is clearly behind the other
— Aesthetic Degen (@Aesthetic_Degen) March 17, 2021
He kind of leans in.
— David Zachary Mason (@dzacharymason) March 17, 2021
Ian Miles Cheong posted several photos of Biden — and even one of Trump — addressing the press showing just how long those mics are.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 17, 2021
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 17, 2021
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 17, 2021
At a time where deepfake videos are a thing that exists, it’s probably good to have a healthy dose of skepticism.
Look at what you can do with historical portraits now:
Charles II – it’s the King who brought back partying!
— James ? Loxley (@oldnorthroad) March 12, 2021
Technology… ain’t it grand?
So, perhaps dismissing this as just another tinfoil hat conspiracy theory isn’t exactly fair.
That said, it’s pretty clear from the still photos taken at different angles that President Biden did indeed appear before the press yesterday before boarding Marine One.
My two cents: If they took all that effort to use a “green screen” or CGI, or whatever, they’d also have made Joe’s comments a bit more eloquent and less dismissive. You know, more Obama and less Biden. The fact that Joe Biden is acting like…well, Joe Biden, is enough to convince me that it’s real because I don’t think that the political operatives could resist the opportunity to transform Joe Biden into the statesman that they desperately want him to be.
What are your thoughts?