WTF? Mexican Researchers Developed A Nose-Only COVID Mask — No, This Is Not Satire

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Here we go again…another silly invention for the “New Normal.”
Since the Great Paradigm Shift from face masks “may stop a droplet or two” to they should be worn every flu season, the “experts” have been befuddled on how to insist that we all need to wear the magic piece of cloth that will undoubtedly end the pandemic even while we’re eating.
It’s apparently “dangerous and derogatory” content to say that cloth and surgical masks don’t really work to stop the spread of a “sometimes” airborne respiratory virus despite numerous pre-2020 studies showing that this is true.
It’s also “dangerous and derogatory” to point out that mask advocates have been making some pretty ridiculous claims in the past year.
Like these:
- WATCH: CDC Director Redfield Tells Senate Committee That A Facemask Is Better Protection Against COVID Than A Vaccine
- WTF? CDC Says That Wearing Cloth Masks Help Stop Spread COVID-19 But Won’t Protect Against Wildfire Smoke Particles
- COVIDICTATOR: Dr. Fauci Is Now Advocating For ‘Double-Masking’
- COVID CLOWNS: Health ‘Experts’ Say That Huge, Anti-Racism Protests Are Fine–But Wear A Mask When Having Sex
- Newly-Released CDC Guidelines For People Who Are ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Still Include Restrictions — Here’s The 411
Because it’s always wrong to question the experts, apparently.
Here at ClashDaily, we like to live dangerously. Despite how much it triggers the “fact-checkers” we’ve repeatedly mocked any efforts to create masks to wear while eating because… well, they’re funny in their incomprehensible absurdity.
First, there was the “Pac-Man” style mask that you could open and close:
That ‘Mask You Can Wear While Eating’ Is Weapons-Grade Stupid — Here’s Why
Then there was this origami-inspired invention by a Japanese restaurant using a regular disposable mask and a napkin:
WATCH: Japanese Restaurant Designs Mask To Wear While Eating — No, This Isn’t Satire
The catch with that one is that you have to blow the flap of napkin away before you can eat.
That seems…counterproductive.
Although this “air purifier” designed by former Dyson employees wasn’t intended for protection from COVID-19, but their new NosyX with their “mouth mask” can easily slide into this same category of “Why Did Someone Bother To Invent That?”
‘Nosy’ Is An Air Purifier That Fits Over Your Nose — No, This Is Not Satire
And since we’re talking about silly masks, who can forget the insanity of the Canadian school that is using The Science™ that apparently says that cutting a hole in a mask to allow a saxophone player to play their instrument is totally fine.
WATCH: High School Band In The Time Of COVID Is A Parade Of Crazy Rules
Now Mexican researchers are putting forward their idea…a nose-only mask that you can wear while eating and drinking!
Researchers in Mexico have made a nose-only Covid mask, which they say reduces the risk of infection of coronavirus during eating and talking.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 24, 2021
It’s not exactly two masks, it’s more like one and a half. It’s also somehow even more pathetic.
The Mexican researchers have saved us all! Despite places with mask mandates faring no better than those without, the push to still wear masks — even for those who are fully vaccinated — continues apace.
My favorite part of that video is the end where the woman manhandles the nose mask then puts her other mask — which she appears to pick up from the ground — over the mask she’s just rubbed her grubby fingers all over. That’s totally hygienic, guys. Honest. Even if she kept the exterior mask clean, there’s no possible way that the germs from her hands could get into her respiratory system from her now-dirty nose mask which she has just enclosed with the second mask that goes over both nose and mouth…
Oh, wait…
Yeah, actually, that seems like a bad idea.
By the way, this whole discussion about mask use is based on stopping respiratory droplets, not airborne particles. The CDC says that SARS-CoV-2 is “sometimes” airborne, which means that it’s going to “sometimes” spread no matter what kind of mask or “social distancing” mitigation measures are used. Basically, we’re “sometimes” screwed.
But you’re not allowed to say that.
Just shut up and put on your mask-and-a-half, you rube!
- LMAO: Mask Wearers, Opponents Mock Each Other In Song (VIDEO)
- SHOW ME THE STUDY: Rand, Fauci Clash Over Forcing Vaccinated People To Wear Masks
- One Year Later: Was It ‘Over-Reaching’ To Call Them Out As ‘Mask Nazis’?
- David French Rips On Mask Skeptics — We Put Him Through The Wood Chipper
- Do You Buy It? Yet Another Study ‘Just Happens’ To Confirm The Mask-Conformity Assumptions
- REPORT: 2015 Study Of Cloth Masks Reveals That They Aren’t Very Effective
Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now: Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male