PAYING THE PRICE: Children In Asia Shouldering The Burden Of COVID Protocols — UN Report

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The Butterfly effect. The smallest decision made in one place has ripple effects that can be felt around the world. The COVID response is no exception.
Intuitively, we all knew and understood that the safety protocols the public has been calling for comes with a price. More than one, in fact.
Local businesses are closed, which has impacts on anyone who might work or shop there. But it also impacts anyone else in their supply chain. Cause and effect. That doesn’t surprise us.
With everyone wearing masks and gloves a lot more than we used to, we could anticipate another issue. (This was last July) LMAO: Wait Until The ‘Ban Straws’ People See What Masks In The Ocean Look Like! (Video) And it’s only gotten worse.
Those are the obvious ones. There are less obvious ones, like this story we ran April 24 of last year.
Global Famines Of ‘Biblical Proportions’ Are Unexpected Consequences Of COVID Pandemic
Those were projections. Now we’ve got some hard numbers.
And it ain’t pretty.
The disruption in healthcare services caused by Covid-19 may have led to an estimated 239,000 maternal and child deaths in South Asia, according to a new UN report.
It’s focused on Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, home to some 1.8 billion people.
The report found that women, children and adolescents were the worst-hit.
…The report – Direct and Indirect Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic and Response in South Asia – examines the effect of these government strategies on healthcare, social services, including schools, and the economy.
It estimates that there have been 228,000 additional deaths of children under five in these six countries due to crucial services, ranging from nutrition benefits to immunisation, being halted.
It says the number of children being treated for severe malnutrition fell by more than 80% in Bangladesh and Nepal, and immunisation among children dropped by 35% and 65% in India and Pakistan respectively.
The report also says that child mortality rose the highest in India in 2020 – up by 15.4% – followed by Bangladesh at 13%. Sri Lanka saw the sharpest increase in maternal deaths – 21.5% followed by Pakistan’s 21.3%. — BBC
They also found a way to paint the birth of 3.5 Million people as a bad thing. Sounds kinda racist, doesn’t it? Notice how these Malthusians always want someone ELSE to die to keep the population low, preferably someone from one of ‘those’ countries, however they might choose to apply that pejorative.
These numbers are before we’ve seen a collection of the malnutrition data in India.
But wait, there’s more!
The interruption to health services also affected those suffering from other diseases – the report predicts an additional 5,943 deaths across the region among adolescents who couldn’t get treated for tuberculosis, malaria, typhoid and HIV/Aids. — BBC
Whenever someone blasts you as a heartless ghoul for not marching lockstep with every one of Little Lord Fauci’s little fantasies, you have an answer for your accuser.
Ask him what he knows about ‘second-order effects.
If these are the stats we have for other countries, are we so blind as to believe we haven’t had any COVID casualties of our own as a tradeoff for being ‘free from fear’ of the newfluenza?
Every decision in life involves trade-offs.
Some of those trade-offs hurt the most vulnerable among us.
This is why our political advisors need to look beyond the immediate benefit of what you do or do not wear across your face, but at the domino effect that one action might have upon another.