Today Show Clip About COVID Cases In Lockdown Vs Open States Goes Viral For All The WRONG Reasons

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A short segment from the Today Show went viral on Thursday as “experts” expressed confusion about why open states are doing so much better than locked down states in the spread of the virus.
The response on Twitter was something to behold.
The segment begins with NBC’s Sam Brock talking about the “COVID conundrum” about why states with the strictest measures are seeing a rise in cases, and states that have allowed freedom are seeing cases go down.
It’s perplexing to the corporate media shills and the “experts” because they assume that they’re right and there is no other approach to the pandemic than harsh lockdowns — any evidence to the contrary is going to be discredited any day now. Just wait two more weeks…
Some states with stricter rules are now seeing surges in COVID-19 cases, while many others that rushed to reopen are experiencing sizable drops. The numbers have experts scratching their heads. @SamBrockNBC has the details.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) April 8, 2021
The idea that they put forward that the rise in case counts is due to a lack of testing is just *chef’s kiss* PERFECT! Do you know why people aren’t getting tested?
It’s either because: a) they’re not actually showing symptoms, b) haven’t been in contact with someone with COVID (which makes sense since the numbers are low), or c) they’re not the terrified sheeple members of the “Fear of Death” cult high on the pandemic porn spewed by the corporate media. In other words, they don’t vote blue.
This is such a great way to discredit the people calling the ‘Rona a “casedemic”… Oh, wait! This does precisely the opposite of that!
Way to go, “experts”!
NBC and the “experts” were soundly mocked in quote tweets by right-wingers and right-leaning journalists:
You can draw a straight line from the media's bewilderment at all of this to the Governors they made into folk heroes over the past year.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 8, 2021
The only people scratching their heads about that are morons. Lockdowns made people sicker and poorer and prolonged the duration and severity of the pandemic.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 8, 2021
Anyone “scratching their heads” over this should not be referred to as an expert.
— Jimmy Failla (@jimmyfailla) April 8, 2021
“Experts scratching their heads…”
Because the “experts” (who have been constantly wrong) are deeply invested in the fairytale of long-term lockdown/mask effectiveness!
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) April 8, 2021
experts dumbfounded about the experts’ doomsday predictions falling short.
— Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) April 8, 2021
It’s almost like simplistic locking down of healthy people is not actually based on evidence…
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) April 8, 2021
Yet for the past year, you called lockdown skeptics "grandma killers."
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) April 8, 2021
??This is absolutely priceless propaganda – admitting that their 'pandemic' only exists in states where there's lots of testing (& masks). And Media and their 'Experts' insisting that states living in sin like #Texas, #Florida will face wrath of Mighty #COVID19 in '14 days'…
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) April 8, 2021
The CEO of The Babylon Bee asks a great question:
At what point do we stop calling them experts?
— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) April 8, 2021
Jenn Holmsted of Misfit Politics made an excellent point:
A fucking year is “rushing to reopen”
— J.R. Holmsted (@JHolmsted) April 8, 2021
Siraj Hashmi (formerly of the Washington Examiner) summed it up perfectly…
the libs have been owned yet again
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) April 8, 2021
It’s true! The Libs are (generally) authoritarians that want lockdowns and it’s (generally) the Conservatives that want things open and allow people to take their own precautions as they see fit without the government mandating it.
It’s kind of a dual-owning, though — the Libs kinda owned themselves by reporting on the way that they did.