WATCH: Nutty Lib Chick Loses It Over Texas Opening Up And Mask Mandates Lifted — Is She Gonna Be Ok?

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Honestly, probably not. She should really seek some help.
I don’t say that to be cruel, like so many other libs posting these sorts of videos on social media, there truly appears to be something wrong with this woman. She’s freaking out over life returning to normal as vaccine rollout has been more successful than we had imagined and case numbers, hospitalizations, and fatalities have all fallen in her state. She’s even got facial tics.
Take a look at how terrified she is to return to pre-pandemic life.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 15, 2021
Of course, as we mentioned earlier, she’s absolutely wrong on that.
But maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on her, after all, the “experts” are dumbfounded.
In other totally related news, it seems that over half of white, liberal women under the age of 30 suffer from a mental illness. So reports the conservative women’s magazine, Evie.
Color me shocked.
It’s not like there’s clear evidence of some level of crazy that these unhinged people keep posting on social media or anything…
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A 2020 Pew Research study has revealed that over 50% of white, liberal women have been diagnosed with mental illness.
Interestingly enough, the study, which is titled Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64, was dated March 2020 — over a year ago. Yet it took a Ph.D. candidate in political science posting about the study on Twitter for it to garner even a smidge of attention.
The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.
Zach Goldberg, the doctoral candidate in question, consolidated the study’s info in a set of visuals and posted them to a thread on Twitter. But it’s important to note that he clarified the following: “I didn’t write this thread to mock white liberals or their apparently disproportionate rates of mental illness (and you shouldn’t either). Rather, this is a question that’s underexplored and which may shed light on attitudinal differences towards various social policies.” He’s right.
Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified psychiatrist who’s treated mental disorders for over 30 years, agrees and adds that white liberalism thrives on supposedly championing “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed,” who they continuously see as “wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited, and victimized” with little to no agency of their own (A view that often mutates into the infantilizing and patronizing of certain groups within a narrative).
Source: Evie Magazine
2/n Somewhat surprisingly, this difference further grows when we add standard controls
— Zach Goldberg (@ZachG932) April 11, 2020
Are you surprised by this?
Or are you on social media and see it all the time?