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Is Maxine Waters Inciting Violence Over The Chauvin Trial? (VIDEO)

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Is this “incitement” and is it impeachable? Asking for the former President of the United States.

This is no new thing for Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) she has been doing this kind of thing for a while now and she gets a pass.

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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was stripped of her committee seats for less than this.

And yet, Mad Maxine marches on, continuing to spew her venom against the GOP and rile up the masses against the police.

The Left calls her “Auntie Maxine.” Maybe a better name for her would be “Antifa Maxine” now that she’s at an anti-police protest in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.

REPORTER: Why are you here?

ANTIFA MAXINE: I am here tonight because I simply could not rest. I simply could not sit by and not let folks know that I’m going to fight with all of the people who stand for justice. We’ve got to get justice in this country, and we cannot allow these killings to continue and the elected officials that sit everyday and say “We’re doing our jobs,” but nothing is happening.

REPORTER: What do you think of the handling of the protest so far by the police?

ANTIFA MAXINE: I beg your pardon?

REPORTER: What do you think of the handling of the protest so far by the police?

ANTIFA MAXINE: The police all over this country have got to be changed. Policing has got to be changed. We have got to redefine what policing is all about. We have got to reimagine how to deal with the problems within our society so that young people and people of color in particular getting killed by police that we pay to protect and serve us.

Now, I”m not going to harp on Maxine not answering the question that was asked, she’s 82 years old maybe it’s tough for her to hear in a crowd, especially with a reporter with an accent wearing two masks.

She spouts the common refrain of “re-imagining policing” or whatever.

They did that in Minneapolis and guess what happened?

What has been dubbed the “Minneapolis Effect” — a surge in violent crime including murder.

They’re now going to try “Violence Interrupters” — groups of 20 or so former felons and gang members patrolling the streets in high-crime neighborhoods to prevent escalation of disputes. They have no guns, badges, or the ability to arrest. Think Guardian Angels without the signature red jacket and hat. For the sake of the residents of Minneapolis, I hope it works.

Still, “Antifa” Maxine is out there saying that she’s joining the protesters because it’s all about “justice” for her.

Interestingly, when she weighed in on the Chauvin trial, she explained what “justice” means to her — agree with her assessment or get more protests. She said that if Chauvin is found acquitted or found guilty of manslaughter, there should be more protests.

Asked about the Derek Chauvin murder trial in Minneapolis, Waters told reporters if the former police officer isn’t found guilty of murdering George Floyd, “We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

Waters said she was “hopeful” Chauvin would be convicted of murder, but if he isn’t, “we cannot go away.”

“We’ve got to fight for justice,” she added, saying she is pressing for a police reform bill to be passed in Congress but said Republicans would likely stand in the way.

She reportedly said she plans to stay in Minnesota until Monday when closing arguments are expected in the Chauvin trial, according to New York Times reporter Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs.

“This is a very difficult time in the history of this country,” Waters, 82, a member of Congress since 1991, told The Associated Press. “We have to let people know that we are not going to be satisifed unless we get justice in these cases.”
Source: Fox News

ANTIFA MAXINE: Yes, I would like to see the bill in Congress pass on police reform, but I know that the right-wing — the racists — are opposed to it, and I don’t know what’s gonna happen to it. But I know this, we’ve got to stay in the street and we’ve got to — we’ve got to demand justice.

REPORTER: As a black man, despite all of the efforts, I feel like nothing changes. When George Floyd has waken[sic] so many people up, yet nothing has happened despite the rhetoric. What needs to happen that’s different this year than all the years before?

ANTIFA MAXINE: We are looking for a guilty verdict. We are looking for a guilty verdict. And we’re looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd if nothing does not happen, then we know we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice. But I am very hopeful and I hope that we are going to get a verdict that will say “Guilty, guilty, guilty!” And if we don’t, we cannot go away.

SECOND REPORTER: And not just manslaughter, right? I mean…

ANTIFA MAXINE: Oh, no, not manslaughter. No, no, no! This is guilty for murder. I don’t know whether it’s in the First Degree, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s First Degree Murder.

THIRD REPORTER: Congresswoman, what happens if you do not get what you just told us? What should people — what should protesters on the street do?

ANTIFA MAXINE: I didn’t hear you.

THIRD REPORTER: What happens —

FOURTH REPORTER: What should protesters do?

ANTIFA MAXINE: We’ve got to stay on the street. We’ve got to get more active. We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.

Let’s not forget who it is she’s out there in the streets with and encouraging to “make sure that they know we mean business.”

Just hours after Rep. Waters urged more people in the streets to get confrontational, there was a drive-by shooting and a couple of National Guards were injured.

 The Minnesota National Guard says its soldiers were shot at early Sunday morning in a drive-by shooting in Minneapolis.

The Guard says it happened around 4:19 am near Penn Avenue and Broadway. A light-colored SUV reportedly fired several shots at an Operation Safety Net security team. The Guard says one soldier was hurt from shattered glass and was taken to a local hospital and another soldier received superficial injuries.

“I am relieved to know none of our Guardsmen were seriously injured,” says Major General Shawn Manke, Minnesota National Guard Adjutant General. “This event highlights the volatility and tension in our communities right now. I ask for peace as we work through this difficult time.”

Source: KIMT 3

So, when does “Antifa Maxine” get impeached and removed from office?

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker