DEMONIC: Woman Watches Neighbor’s Home Burn From Lawn Chair … Charged With Arson

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We’ve covered a lot of sick stories over the years, but a brazen stunt like this takes a special sort of malice.
Torching someone’s house in broad daylight is crazy enough. But setting up with a book and a lawn chair in the yard of the burning house while it goes up? That’s a whole other level of callous indifference for human suffering.
And yes — there were people inside when the house went up in flames.
Another set of neighbors got busy filming these events… which will serve nicely as evidence. Eventually, they went closer and saw someone trapped inside, who they helped escape.
It’s not clear if the people filming the fire go up called the fire department or if someone else made that call. But the guy filming it states pretty clearly what he saw leading up to the incident. In his words, he said the woman in the lawn chair set a trash can on fire, and then threw it in through the window.
Lawn chair lady — Maryland’s Gail Metwally — now faces charges for attempted murder, among arson and other charges.
Witnesses told investigators that they saw Metwally setting multiple fires within the home before then sitting in the chair, according to a press release from the Office of the State Fire Marshall.
‘After a few minutes, Metwally walked away from the scene,’ officials said.
‘While the home was on fire, witnesses heard an occupant in a basement window yelling for help. Bystanders safely assisted her out the window.’
…Witnesses told investigators that they saw Metwally setting multiple fires within the home before then sitting in the chair, according to a press release from the Office of the State Fire Marshall.
‘After a few minutes, Metwally walked away from the scene,’ officials said.
‘While the home was on fire, witnesses heard an occupant in a basement window yelling for help. Bystanders safely assisted her out the window.’ —DailyMail
Just how dangerous was this situation?
One of the people who escaped the fire reported that someone had thrown a trash can on the stairs, preventing their escape.
This lines up with the description given by the guys who filmed the event.
This is not a first offense, either.
Metwally has been charged with first- and second-degree attempted murder, first-degree arson and first degree assault – as well as two counts each of first degree malicious burning, malicious destruction of property and reckless endangerment.
She has another open court case in Cecil County with five misdemeanor charges for malicious destruction of property for an incident on April 10, court records show. —DailyMail
Let’s hope she is kept in custody and that this is the last such incident for her.