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This 2019 Document Lays Out EU Plans For Vaccine Passports — Shouldn’t We Ask WHY?

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One of the best ways to defeat wild conspiracy theories is to find original sourcing that predates the event in question.

The principle is pretty simple. Using our own site as an example, we could look at the past election. If we can point to articles we wrote raising concerns about election security, concerns about ballot harvesting, the misuse of mail ballots, or improper changes to election law BEFORE the votes were cast in November, our concerns can be viewed in a very different light than they would by someone who claims we don’t like the election result and are looking for ways to discredit it.

On the contrary, we were calling for increased ballot security long before the election even happened.

We can apply this same principle to the Pandemic.

Many of us have raised serious concerns about governments requiring unified vaccine passports.

The obvious accusation the left might make is that this isn’t about government overreach, but that this is a question of health, science, protecting the lives of the vulnerable, and that only a selfish, science-denying, knuckle-dragging troglodyte would take issue with government wanting to protect the wellbeing of their citizens.

in other words, COVID is so bad that it makes this extreme measure entirely reasonable. Claims that this was some cynical globalist government plan to put us all in some database might easily be dismissed as a crackpot theory of people who were generally noncompliant to COVID measures.

But what happens if you roll back the clock to BEFORE the Novel Coronavirus came onto the scene, removing the ‘do it to save Granny’s live’ argument for Corona compliance to government edicts?

Would the public be reacting the same way to the idea of vaccine passports if we removed that ‘saving grandma’ motive?

Because the EuropeanUnion’s own website has a very interesting webpage on exactly this topic, including a rollout strategy.

The date on which this particular rollout strategy was posted is May of 2019, nearly a full year before Xi’s Sneeze changed the planet.

Leaving aside for the moment any argument about whether the pandemic was naturally occurring or man-made, released into the population by mishap or by malice, we do need to ask whether opportunists in the government are exploiting the (deliberately magnified) panic that was stoked by politicians and media alike for plans they wanted to roll out anyway.

Hat/tip to Zuby for bringing this story to our attention.

He also said…


Through the length the 10-page table…

…you will notice there are a series of action points down the left.

Like most bureaucratic documents, it’s a long list of relatively benign pandemic readiness action items with a couple of possible poison pills lurking in the midst.

We have posted the full list of those headings below, so the reader can judge for himself whether this document is more harmless or sinister in nature.

If there’s an innocent explanation, we’re open to hearing it. But seeing how many liberties the government has been taking (pun intended) with weaponinzing information against the citizens to accomplish compliance, we’re coming at this from a skeptical starting point.

Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination card/passport for EU citizens (that takes into account potentially different national vaccination schedules and), that is compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders, without duplicating work at national level.

Produce on a regular basis a Report on the State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU, to monitor attitudes to vaccination. Based on that report and taking into account related work by WHO, present guidance that can support Member States in countering vaccine hesitancy

Convene a Coalition for Vaccination to bring together European associations of healthcare workers as well as relevant students’ associations in the field, to commit to delivering accurate information to the public, combating myths and exchanging best practice.

Strengthen the impact of the annual European Immunisation Week by hosting an EU public awareness initiative and supporting Member States’ own activities.

Identify barriers to access and support interventions to increase access to vaccination for disadvantaged and socially excluded groups, including by promoting health mediators and grassroots community networks, in line with national recommendations.

Develop EU guidance for establishing comprehensive electronic immunization information systems for effective monitoring of immunization programmes.

Develop guidance to overcome the legal and technical barriers impeding the interoperability of national immunisation information systems, having due regard to rules on personal data protection, as set out in the Commission Communication
on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market, empowering citizens and building a healthier society.

Continue to support research and innovation through the EU framework programmes for Research and Innovation for the development of safe and effective new vaccines, and the optimisation of existing vaccines

Strengthen existing partnerships and collaboration with international actors and initiatives, such as the WHO and its Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE), the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (ETAGE), the Global Health Security Initiative and Agenda processes (Global Health Security Initiative, Global Health Security Agenda), Unicef and financing and research initiatives like Gavi, CEPI, GloPID-R and JPIAMR (the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance).

Develop evidence-based tools and guidance at EU level in order to support countries to anticipate, pre-empt or respond to crisis situations.

Counter online vaccine misinformation and develop evidencebased information tools and guidance to support Member States in responding to vaccine hesitancy, in line with the Commission Communication on tackling online disinformation.

Establish a European Vaccination Information Sharing system.

Continuously monitor the benefits and risks of vaccines and vaccinations, at EU level, including through post-marketing surveillance studies.

Work towards developing common methodologies and strengthen the capacities to assess the relative effectiveness of vaccines and vaccination programmes.

Strengthen the effective application of Union rules on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work, as laid down in Directive 2000/54/EC and Council Directive 2010/32/EU, taking into account national competences, in particular by supporting continuing education of healthcare workers, monitoring their immunisation status and actively offering vaccination where necessary, to ensure adequate levels of patient and healthcare-workers’ safety

Provide evidence and data, including through the European Schoolnet, to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen the aspects related to vaccinology and immunisation in their national medical curricula and postgraduate education

Consider developing a virtual European data warehouse on vaccine needs and, if applicable, offerable stocks, to facilitate the voluntary exchange of information on available supplies, possible surpluses and global shortages of essential vaccines.

Explore feasibility of physical stockpiling and engage in a dialogue with vaccine producing companies on a mechanism to facilitate the stockpiling and availability of vaccines in case of outbreaks, taking into account global shortages of essential vaccines.

Consider developing a concept for a mechanism for exchanging vaccine supplies from one Member State to another in case of an outbreak, improving the links between supply and demand for vaccines.

Consider, jointly with stakeholders, in particular with the vaccinemanufacturing industry, which has a key role in meeting these aims, possibilities for improving EU manufacturing capacity, ensuring continuity of supply and ensuring diversity of suppliers

Exploit the possibilities of joint procurement of vaccines or antitoxins to be used in cases of pandemics, unexpected outbreaks and in case of small vaccine demand (small number of cases or very specific populations to be covered).

Support the EU Official Medicines Control Laboratories network and its work to ensure that vaccines placed on the EU market are of high quality.

Monitor compliance with the obligation of continuous supply of medicines placed on marketing authorisation holders (Article 81 of Directive 2001/83/EC) and explore ways to enhance compliance with that obligation.

Consider facilitating –together with EMA- early dialogue with developers, national policy-makers and regulators in order to support the authorisation of innovative vaccines, including for emerging health threats.

Reinforce existing partnerships and research infrastructures, and establish new ones, including for clinical trials

Seek consensus on unmet population needs and agreed priorities for vaccines that can be used to inform future vaccine research funding programmes at national and EU level, including leveraging the advantages of the Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious diseases Preparedness (GloPID-R).

Consider investing in behavioural and social science research on the determinants of vaccine hesitancy across different subgroups of the population and healthcare workers.

Report on a regular basis, on progress in implementing the Recommendation based on indicators agreed with Member States and on information from other relevant sources

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck