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WATCH: Tucker Interviews Facebook Whistleblower Who Exposed ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Algorithm

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One brave Facebook employee thinks that social media platforms shouldn’t be censoring concerns over vaccines without your knowledge.

The coronavirus and the vaccines to prevent it have been politicized from the very beginning, and social media policies just aren’t helping.

There has been an ongoing censorship campaign from the World Health Organization all the way down to YouTube community guidelines on what appears to be a cheap, effective, low-risk medication to treat the virus that originated in Wuhan…

…and a campaign to dismiss any concern about the coronavirus vaccines. As Tucker notes, even asking why you still need to wear a mask after being vaccinated is considered “vaccine hesitancy.”

On Thursday, Tucker Carlson spoke with Facebook whistleblower Morgan Kahmann who discussed the algorithm that is used to determine “vaccine hesitancy” in posts and the fallout he has personally faced for coming forward.

Interestingly, the “Tier 1” VH post that Tucker cites was considered vaccine “disinformation” but recently became the official CDC policy — you no longer need to wear masks if you’re vaccinated.

In case you missed it, here is the Project Veritas report with Morgan Kahmann explaining how Facebook was censoring concerns over the vaccines without users’ knowledge.

Despite millions of doses of “the jab” administered, there is still some concern out there about the vaccines. Part of this is due to misinformation that the vaccine alters DNA — it doesn’t — but some people are just a little hesitant that experimental mRNA vaccines were being rolled out on a global scale with no long-term testing.

Both of those views were expressed by Mark Zuckerberg himself in July 2020:

Back in September 2020, Zuckerberg spoke to Axios about not removing anti-vax comments because he said that people should be free to express their concerns even if they are

What precisely was Zuck’s “come to Jesus” moment about the need to censor so-called “anti-vax” comments after he himself had expressed them? We’ll probably never know. But here’s the thing — he was allowed to express his views, but his company doesn’t want you to express yours. Facebook doesn’t want you to have an open discussion and air your concerns and heck — maybe change your mind.

What’s the point of social media if you can only express one view?


K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker