DRAWING A LINE: Christian Editor No Longer Hires Ivy League Grads — Guess Why?

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There was a time when the mere mention of having attended certain schools would open doors of opportunity. That reputation is NOT what it once was, and sometimes even works against you.
First Things is a widely-read magazine with a Catholic perspective. Their audience would consider themselves, for the most part, well-read and cultured. The Blue Blood graduates of Ivy League schools would historically have been a natural fit for their high-minded scholastic flavor of their pages.
That is no longer the case.
If there were a help wanted sign on their door, there’d be another one beside it saying “Ivy League Alumni need not apply”.
A Christian magazine editor has revealed he’ll no longer hire graduates from Ivy League colleges because they’re too woke, self-important or scared to speak out against cancel culture even if they don’t believe in it.
R. R. Reno is the editor of First Things, a monthly religious magazine with a circulation of 30,000.
In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal on Monday, he said used to jump at the chance to hire from Ivy Leagues, but now it turns him off applicants.
He said from his experience, kids from colleges like Rutgers in New Jersey are ‘as talented but less self-important than Ivy Leaguers’ and ‘more likely to accept the authority of those more experienced’. –DailyMail
Not so long ago, he would have jumped at hiring someone from Princeton, Yale, Harvard et al. Today, not so much.
Reno said that while not everyone at Ivy League colleges are too woke, a larger problem is that those who aren’t are keeping quiet for fear of retribution, rather than speaking out against things they disagree with.
‘A few years ago a student at an Ivy League school told me, “The first things you learn your freshman year is never to say what you are thinking.”
‘The institution he attended claims to train the world’s future leaders. From what that young man reports, the opposite is true. The school is training future self-censors, which means future followers,’ he wrote.-DailyMail
Our Ivy League schools are busy churning out gutless, nutless ‘leaders of tomorrow’? Sure sounds like that speech from the climactic scenes in ‘Scent of a Woman’ was slightly ahead of its time.
So, what talent pool does he prefer to draw from? Religious colleges and large state universities.
‘Get woke go broke’ was just a slogan before. Now it’s something more — the toxic ideology is devaluing the very club whose membership gives the elite their bragging rights. How long before the credentialism of those schools suffers the same fate of every other institution that ideology infects?
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