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The Predictable Tyranny Of The American Left

In January, for having the temerity and legal right to challenge the election of Joe Biden on the Senate floor on behalf of major concerns of his constituents, Senator Josh Hawley’s forthcoming book, The Tyranny of Big Tech with Simon & Schuster was canceled. The book had been slated for publication this May. Simon & Schuster issued a statement:

“After witnessing the disturbing, deadly insurrection that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., Simon & Schuster has decided to cancel publication of Senator Josh Hawley’s forthcoming book….”

“We did not come to this decision lightly. As a publisher it will always be our mission to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints: At the same time, we take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom.”

Fortunately, the tough-minded Senator Hawley responded, “Simon & Schuster is canceling my contract because I was representing my constituents, leading a debate on the Senate floor on voter integrity, which they have now decided to redefine as sedition.” He then said, “See you in court.” Fortunately, Regnery Publishing, a Salem Media Group company, decided to publish the senator’s book.

Squelching the Right

The Left’s ongoing, long-term efforts to squelch views by anyone deemed to be a Republican or conservative has many advocates. Randall Lane, the chief content officer of Forbes Media and editor of Forbes magazine, which most people don’t realize was sold by the Forbes family years ago, called for destroying the careers of anyone who worked for Trump, particularly his press secretaries including Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Kayleigh McEnany.

“Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie,” Lane wrote. “We’re going to scrutinize, double-check, investigate with the same skepticism we’d approach a Trump tweet. Want to ensure the world’s biggest business media brand approaches you as a potential funnel of disinformation? Then hire away.”

What unmitigated gall for a major business magazine editor to seek to diminish the livelihood, reputation, and indeed quality of life of those who served in the administration of our 45th president. Fortunately, Mr. Lane was chastised within his own organization.

Blatant Attempts

If only the blatant social, civic, and financial ostracism were confined to American publishers.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, perhaps the least intelligent individual ever elected twice to Congress, has unceasingly called for the re-education, reprogramming, or indoctrination of anyone who voted for Trump. She is joined by legions of others seeking the same. So, that means 75 to 80 million people require some kind of intervention for the deep and desperate crime of having voted Republican.

Log on to any alternative news site today – not the mainstream press – including ClashDaily, Rantingly, The Liberty Daily, Whatfinger News, Red State, and so on, and every other day you will see articles of those on the left calling for drastic measures to silence those on the right.

None other than Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, supposedly a moderate, openly called for removing both Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz via the 14th Amendment, over their objections to Electoral College votes. Where was Sen. Manchin in November 2017 when Nancy Pelosi did exactly the same thing?

Litmus Tests of Forever?

Following the Left’s attempt to squelch the freedom of speech and livelihood of those on the Right came a most egregious development. National Guard troops assembled in Washington, D.C. to ensure domestic tranquility during the transfer of power on January 20th, and were still in place weeks later.

The Left seeks to know, within the Guard and the other Armed forces, who voted for Trump, versus who voted for Biden, and send the Trump voters to far-away posts, away from Biden.

Any such ideological litmus test is much more than the start of a slippery slope, it guarantees that the nation will be fractured. Suppose that within the professions, you must declare whether or not you voted for Trump. No more buying real estate using a broker who leans right. Don’t even consider getting insurance from an agent who voted for Trump.

What about your doctor? Can your doctor be trusted if a GOP member? Do you want to retain an attorney who voted for Republicans? As absurd as this seems, major voices on the Left prefer this path. NBA basketball players have complained to the press that they don’t want to play for a team whose owner is a Republican.

Doom in the Works

Where, exactly, will all this lead? Perhaps, more reasoned voices will prevail and point out the absurdity of asking people for their “official papers,” much like what was done throughout Europe in the lead up to and during World War II.

At the rate that the Left is asserting itself in highly un-American ways, however, acting like the old East German Stasi, resistance is the only sane response.

Jeff Davidson

Jeff Davidson is "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, integration, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people.