WATCH: Obama Talks About Political And Racial Divisions — Blames Republicans

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Just in case you forgot what a smarmy, disingenuous political hack Obama was, a recent interview on CNN will quickly remind you.
In a special interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday night, current shadow President former President Barack Obama spoke about racial and political division in America as well as his third and most recent memoir, A Promised Land.
During the interview, Obama was quick to blame Republicans for the division on both fronts saying that they have been “cowed” into accepting “a way of thinking about our democracy that would be unrecognizable and unacceptable even five years ago or a decade ago.”
Yes, just imagine wanting to secure the border, secure elections, and not want to demonize an entire people as evil oppressors simply based on the color of their skin. The horror!
He also invokes the Charlottesville Hoax repeating the repeatedly debunked claim that Trump said that the neo-Nazis marching were “good people” back in 2017.
Obama said that this division goes beyond Trump — the “dark spirits” truly began rising in the GOP when Sen. John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008. Gee, isn’t that just peak misogyny to pin the blame on a woman? Because, as we know from Obama and his sycophants in the media, you cannot criticize the policies of an individual without criticizing the identity of the individual. That’s why all criticisms of Obama’s policies were deemed racist and sprouting from the “fear of a black man in the White House.” That’s all bunk, but if he’s going to say that division came into politics because of Sarah Palin, well, he can wear that “misogynist” label just like he tries to paint all his critics as racist.
Obama said that a number of problems are people (read: “Republicans”) who have not “fully reconciled with our history.”
He said it was “hard for the majority” of white Americans “to recognize you can be proud of this country and its traditions and its history and our forefathers and yet, it is also true that this terrible stuff happened.”
“The vestiges of that linger and continue,” Obama said.
The Democrat said that his political opponents would often “not only block that story but try to exploit it for their own political gain.”
“I also think that there are certain right-wing media venues … that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a White population that is witnessing a changing America and seeing demographic changes,” he said, without identifying specific outlets.
Source: New York Post
We all know who he means.
Obama lamented the “siloing of the media” — which has grown rapidly on both sides of the aisle in response to the Corporate Media’s overt bias — means “you don’t have just Walter Cronkite delivering the news, but you have 1,000 different venues” has “contributed to that sense that we don’t have anything in common.”
“We occupy different worlds. And it becomes that much more difficult for us to hear each other, see each other,” said Obama.
He’s not wrong. But we also have a leftwing that is determined to undermine institutions like the Supreme Court, push Critical Race Theory (CRT) which is (essentially) sanctioned anti-white racism, and push to have everything controlled by the federal government, all while painting their opponents as racist. But you can’t mention any of that or you’re racist and hate “democracy” or something.
But as Obama decries racism as a big problem in America, he dismisses concerns about CRT.
Obama is being coy, but he knows exactly what critical race theory teaches. In fact, here’s a photograph of Obama hugging the founder of critical race theory, Professor Derrick Bell, back when he was a student at Harvard Law.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) June 8, 2021
Critical Race Theory is a toxic ideology that holds that race is the underlying driver of all human interactions and that racism is the “system” upon which all of society operates. In CRT, white people are cast as the “oppressors” and anyone else is “oppressed” and it’s all based on race. It dismisses the ideas of colorblindness, equality, and neutrality, and advocates for discrimination in order to “level the playing field.” In addition, CRT deems white people racist or complicit in a “system” founded on racism — and therefore racist by default unless they become “anti-racist” which means admitting that they are racist. But we have shown you here on ClashDaily that the biggest proponent of “anti-racism” can’t properly define it.
For more on Critical Race Theory, I recommend checking out this quick primer by James Lindsay on New Discourses as well as Christopher Rufo’s deep-dive into Critical Race Theory in Education.
Barry, who now lives in a luxurious mansion in Martha’s Vineyard and has inked multi-million dollar deals for books and with Netflix and is still beloved all over the world is still talking about how black people in America are held down because of their race… and it’s the Republicans’ fault.
He also talks about the January 6 riot and the threat that was to democracy, which is also the fault of Republicans. His solution — ignore Article 4 of the Constitution that grants each state legislature the authority to make laws regarding the way elections are conducted in their state and instead federalize the electoral process.
I don’t know about you, but I’m still not a fan of this guy and it has never had a damned thing to do with his race. It has everything to do with the words that fall out of his mouth and the awful ideas behind them.
It looks like I’m not the only one critical of Obama “carrying water” for the idea of Critical Race Theory. Here’s Leo Terrell making it pretty clear in less than two minutes.
Well said, Leo 2.0!