FBI Busted Using Jan 6 As Excuse To Infiltrate Bible Study, Attempt Target & Entrapment Of Immigrant Members

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Imagine the shock of an immigrant who fled persecution in Vietnam to arrive in America seeing a Western nation apply the same corrupt ‘investigative’ methods of the authoritarian country he fled.
You may have heard the Feds’ side of this man’s story already, and if took their headlines as gospel, you might wonder why a trial would even be necessary. But you probably haven’t heard anyone pointing out some of the problems with the criminal complaints and how they came into play.
It all started when 27-year-old Fi Duong showed up at the rally on January 6th to report on the events of the day. It ended with more than 6 months of government agents surveilling him — and his friends — including inserting themselves into his group’s bible study.
Jewish Joint Terrorism Task Force special agent Jason Jankovitz decided it was important to open a terrorism investigation into Fi Duong. This is the kind of thing you might expect out of a Chinese Communist Party infiltration of their underground churches, not a modern Western nation that provides for freedom of worship, association, and the various protections of the 4th Amendment.
Nor was Jankovitz the only agent trying to pressure this lead into doing something incriminating.
What kind of associations did he have with his buddies? Well, they studied the Bible together, practiced their driving skills, and practices martial arts.
When he wanted a suppressor for his firearm, he filled out the requisite paperwork first. When the FBI agent tried to talk him into taking a few bottles, and turning them into Molotov cocktails for fun … the agent almost talked him into it. But Fi Duong decided to wait until he had contacted ATF for any related permission first.
They got him talking about his politics where they found out he did not like the Democrats, BLM, or Antifa, and had once ‘infiltrated’ an Antifa meeting to see first hand what they were about… all of which appears in the complaint the agents submitted about him. The most dangerous idea he contemplated was discussing the possibility of whether Virginia (where he lived) could peacefully secede from the US.
When you run his name in a search engine, you get stories with headlines about supposed militias and claims stating that his Bible Study was merely a front for some dangerous associations, claiming he wanted a ‘second civil war’. We notice they included nicknames in the reporting, which makes it sound like ‘aliases’ instead of the plausible alternative explanation of an immigrant adapting to an American way of life by taking a name (Jim) more easily pronounced than one unfamiliar to our English-speaking culture.
Here, for example, was a CNN affiliate’s headline: ‘FBI infiltrates group that wanted to test bombs, surveil Capitol, secede from US, court records show’ [Were NO lessons learned from the Nick Sandmann settlement?]
That’s an interesting choice of framing considering certain top tier players in Big Tech have been on the record for years as being explicitly in favor of a ‘civil war’ that would force their Blue State ‘sensibilities’ down the throats of red states, whether they want it or not. The article we cited here was endorsed by no less than Twitter’s Jack Dorsey (and some of his buddies) in April of 2018: Leftists Want A ‘New Civil War’ – This Post Is Disturbing
But hey, facts be damned. It’s been six months already and the FBI needs to produce some scalps.
When they noticed a few empty bottles, they began trying to entrap him. Ordinarily, taking a crude explosive out of a glass bottle, a rag, and some gasoline isn’t that big a deal. Hell, we’ve seen people chucking them almost every night for a year in Portland. But when corrupt agents are itching for a reason to press charges against a citizen, but don’t have any REAL probable cause — they have called that ‘bomb-making’ in the past.
Here’s an account of the lengths they went to entrap him. The criminal complaints against him mention ‘Molotov Cocktail’ more than two dozen times… so a lot supposedly hinges on that detail.
If that falls apart, what ELSE did they get wrong?
While creating the contraption — a glass bottle filled with gasoline and ignited with a rag to make a small fire — for entertainment value does not strike most people as a serious crime, federal prosecutors on a political mission have in the past charged making Molotov cocktails as the same thing as building an actual bomb.
Last June, two FBI agents pressured Duong into trying to build Molotov cocktails to test them out in West Virginia. The suspect then changed his mind last minute. He told the two undercover agents that he wanted to obtain permission from the ATF to construct the explosive device before actually doing it.
The agents soon peer pressured him into another attempt, this time at an abandoned prison in Fairfax County, which the FBI could use to dump serious charges on the man.
He was picked up in an undercover FBI vehicle and the men engaged in “reconnaissance.” At the site, Duong was recorded telling the agents that he liked the idea, but would seek to get formal permission from the state before testing the devices near the facility.
Ultimately, the undercover agents got frustrated and decided to charge him for trespassing at the Capitol. In spite of this, the FBI complaint features the phrase “Molotov cocktail” over 24 times, which is an attempt to paint the suspect as a dangerous criminal when he appears before a judge.
It should be noted that an FBI criminal complaint is merely a narrative constructed by the agent authoring it, and should thus be taken with a grain of salt. — EricStriker
This raises serious issues about the rights of a citizen that were pointed out by the author of that piece:
…including in respects to bias and hate when it comes to a federal agent of Jewish ancestry deciding to target men of the Christian faith for surveillance while they engage in fellowship and worship — EricStriker
There is a reason that the rights enjoyed by a citizen are designed to put a leash on the dangerous powers of the State to coerce, control, and interfere with otherwise free citizens.
They spent 6 months LOOKING for a crime when all evidence they had access to pointed to an innocent civilian. But because his political were ‘wrong’ and ‘dangrous’ in the eyes of the permanent political class, they kept digging… despite crime of all kinds on the rise in various states, and actual political violence where real people are throwing real incendiaries at real government buildings is something that is still happening on the regular.
Because THOSE violent extremists are aligned with the party in power, the DOJ pays no attention to them. They are far too busy wasting resources on the important infiltrating Bible Studies.
This is by no means the first time this administration has aligned itself AGAINST freedom of worship.
They have already declared the Bible a ‘Republican’ book. IRS Denies Texas Christian Group Charitable Status Because They Are ‘Too Partisan’
Dems railed against implications of the Christian faith held by some of Trump’s nominees… in contravention of the Constitution.
Our government agencies are becoming increasingly an extension of the will of the most aggressively authoritarian wing of the Democrat party, and we are seeing them weaponized against ordinary citizens.
If the intellectual heirs of the Soviets were ever to stage a coup attempt to topple America as it has been, they would know better to start shooting in the streets without first ideologically capturing and corrupting every government institution that could stop them.
They would also have to demonize all Republicans, and federalize more and more political power at the national level, to be held in fewer and fewer hands, with fewer checks and balances to stop them.
It’s a good thing their side isn’t making any moves political like those, eh?
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