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Airline Employees Push Back Against Mandatory Vaccinations — Here’s The 411

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Mandating vaccination for employment for a virus that over 99% of healthy people under the age of 70 recovers from is a step too far for some employees.

Before the fact-checkers start hyperventilating, here is a link backing up that statement, along with a tweet that provides a handy-dandy chart.

If they don’t like that one, here’s another posted at the National Institute of Health.

As the Corporate Media continues to push the hysteria about the Delta variant, which is more contagious but less deadly, and vaccination rates are quite high — over 72% of Americans have had at least one dose, there is pressure from the goalpost-shifting “medical experts” to make sure that everyone gets the jab. It’s like natural immunity from infection isn’t even a thing that is discussed anymore.

This is true even though we’re seeing from the data in highly-vaccinated Israel that vaccinations aren’t stopping people from getting sick from the coronavirus. On Sunday, Israel green-lit a third “booster” dose for everyone 12 and up.

Despite clear evidence that this isn’t a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, there is significant pressure from governments on private companies to issue vaccine mandates.

In particular, the industries with significant contact with the public — food service, travel, etc. — are being pressured heavily to institute mandates on their employees.

Earlier this month, a couple of Airlines made the move to mandate vaccinations for all employees.

Some of the biggest names in travel are now requiring proof of vaccination for staff, guests, or both. UnitedFrontier, and Hawaiian airlines have given their employees fall deadlines for getting vaccinated (or, in the case of Frontier, submit to regular testing), and with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s full approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on August 23, at least one carrier, United, has already shortened that deadline by several weeks. Delta is requiring vaccines for all new hires in the U.S. Although the Atlanta-based airline is not mandating vaccines for existing employees, Delta says it will levy a health insurance surcharge of $200 each month for unvaccinated employees in an effort to push its staff vaccination rates higher, according to the Washington Post. Other major airlines, including Southwest and American, have not mandated vaccines for any employees.
Source: Condé Nast Traveler

Airline employees are fighting back against these vaccine mandates.

UnvaxxedCrew is reaching out to pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics no matter what airline that they work for because their employment could be harmed by these mandates. Those with seniority, for example, might be able to change employment, but lose their benefits.

There are many reasons why people have not been vaccinated, some because they have already recovered from the coronavirus which confers robust natural immunity, or they may suffer from an extreme allergy, or have suffered from an allergy from a vaccine in the past and have been advised by their doctor to not take a chance with the coronavirus vaccine. Or maybe, they just don’t want to take an experimental vaccine that isn’t working as promised and has no long-term safety data. This is still America, right?

UnVaxxedCrew is backed by legal counsel and its goal is to unite those who oppose mandatory vaccination for employment.

They’re a bunch of freedom-loving patriots who are pretty clear on what they believe.

Experimental vaccines are unconstitutional and have no place in a free society. We are fighting a system that is working to mandate air crews to be guinea pigs by forcing trial vaccinations upon us as part of employment.

We are working to be a unified voice with legal support and council. Regardless of the airline you work for, if you believe that forced vaccinations are wrong and you are an Aircrew member, contact us today.
Source: UnvaxxCrew

If you work for an airline — or know someone who does — and oppose mandatory vaccination with endless boosters, contact UnVaxxedCrew.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker