Dr. Fauci Says ‘Hopefully’ Forcing Young Children To Wear Masks Won’t Have A ‘Lasting Negative Impact’

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Dr. Fauci has gone from he is “The Science” to he’s “hopeful” that some studies are wrong.
Do you remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci said that his critics aren’t attacking him, they’re attacking “Science” itself?
Dr. Fauci Claims His Critics Aren’t Just Attacking Him, But ‘Science’ Itself (VIDEO)
Now it seems that Fauci is the one attacking science.
It’s quite the reversal.
On Monday, Saint Fauci, Peace Be Upon Him, was interviewed by conservative radio show host, Hugh Hewitt.
Hewitt says that although he’s a conservative, on the COVID stuff, he largely agrees with Fauci, — hey, everyone has flawed, and trusting the Authoritarian Smurf is apparently one of Hugh’s — but he disagrees with one major thing and that’s forcing young children to wear masks. He asked Saint Fauci, P.B.U.H., about the long-term effects of masking young children.
John’s Hopkins surgeon, Dr. Marty Makary and Dr. H. Cody Meissner, pediatrician and expert in childhood immunizations and vaccination, penned an opinion piece that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday, “The Case Against Masks for Children.” The article argued that long-term mask-wearing can cause physical and developmental issues in children and that there is little evidence to support a mandate.
Hewitt said, “Facial expression are integral to human connection, particularly for younger children who are only learning how to signal fear, confusion and happiness.”
“Covering a child’s face mutes these nonverbal form of communications, can result in robotic and emotionless interaction. So, Dr., what did you base it on? Why?” asked Hewitt.
Saint Fauci dismissed that said, “a lot of the data that you’re talking about, about transmission among kids, dates back to the alpha variant, not necessarily all the most recent data on delta. Delta is different.”
Notice how the “experts” are trying to make it look like The Delta Variant™ behaves very differently than every other respiratory virus known to mankind, including the original strain of the virus… because Science!
The Authoritarian Smurf then does what he does best — fearmonger about hospital cases. But that’s a bit disingenuous — there is a rise in the number of kids in hospitals with COVID, but that’s partly because everyone admitted into hospitals are tested even if they’re there for something else, and even though more children are contracting The Delta Variant™ because it is more transmissible, but less deadly.
Globally, there has also been an increase in children being admitted into hospitals with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) which can be deadly, directly attributable to the lockdowns, distancing, and masks, but Fauci doesn’t mention that.
ClashDaily covered the disturbing spike in RSV cases around the world here:
NATURE’S A ‘MOTHER’: Kids Are Paying The ‘Immunity Debt’ Caused By Pandemic Panic
Here’s the transcript of the conversation with Hewitt. (Emphasis added.)
HUGH HEWITT: My friend, Chuck Todd, disagrees with me, too. It’s about children K-3. And as the grandfather of three of them, and I talk to a lot of parents, they don’t believe masks are a good thing. They believe they are developmentally difficult to deal with. They can hide developmental disabilities. They impair speech and hearing, and that they’re not very effective. And boy, they feel this strongly, and it’s what the UK felt. My grandkids were in school in England last year. Why do you disagree with the UK specialists and with the Wall Street Journal this morning, article by Dr. Makary and Dr. Meissner?
(Read the WSJ article Hewitt refers to here.)
ANTHONY FAUCI: You know, Hugh, that is a difficult situation, because you really do have to balance the risk of transmission versus the real risk, and I’m not putting down what you’re saying. It’s not comfortable, obviously, for children to wear masks, particularly the younger children. But you know, what we’re starting to see, Hugh, and I think it’s going to unfold even more as the weeks go by, that this virus not only is so extraordinarily transmissible, but we’re starting to see pediatric hospitals get more and more younger people and kids not only numerically, but what seems to be more severe disease. Now we’re tracking that, the CDC is tracking that really very carefully, so it’s going to be a balance that we would feel very badly if we all of a sudden said okay, kids, don’t wear masks, then you find out retrospectively that this virus in a very, very strange and unusually way is really hitting kids really hard. That’s the thing. Nobody feels comfortable at all about having children be put in a situation where it might ultimately, the way some people study, have some impact on them. But hopefully, this will be a temporary thing, temporary enough that it doesn’t have any lasting negative impact on them. And getting back to what you and I both agree very much on, Hugh, is that the way to get out of all of this is to just get as many people vaccinated as quickly as we possibly can. If we could do that, the level of virus in the community would be so low that we wouldn’t be talking about things like masking indoors even for vaccinated people and masking in school.
HH: Now Dr., I want to stay focused on K-3 and 4 for a second, because that’s the only place where I find significant, I mean genuinely deep departure from CDC confidence among people who are center-right and center-left. We know the numbers for kids, 794 kids age 12 and younger die in vehicle crashes. 70 a year die from choking. 22 children and teens are shot every day. Dorothy Novick cited some of these numbers. She also cited that she’s at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, that the total number of children who have died from COVID as of July 29 was 358. That is, of course, a tragedy, every single one. But the doctors at work in the Wall Street Journal today say the transmission rate for children 5-17 was .5 per million, or roughly 25 patients. They say there is no conclusive evidence that children transmit the disease to each other, and they do say there’s conclusive evidence about children with myopia, children with learning disabilities, children learning, I want to read this, the possible psychological harm of widespread masking is an even greater worry. Facial expression are integral to human connection, particularly for younger children who are only learning how to signal fear, confusion and happiness. Covering a child’s faces mutes these nonverbal form of communications, can result in robotic and emotionless interaction. So Dr., what did you base it on? Why?
AF: Yeah.
HH: CDC came out and said K-3, and I’m only focused on K-3.
AF: Right, right.
HH: What, why did you do it?
AF: Yeah, so first of all, a lot of the data that you’re talking about, about transmission among kids, dates back to the alpha variant, not necessarily all the most recent data on delta. Delta is different. So Hugh, I promise you something, because I respect you. And I think everything in that article that just came out from Makary and Meissner, I think, should be taken seriously. But we’d better go back and make sure those data are really solid the same way you’re asking me, and I will. I’ll go back to the CDC and make sure that the data that they’re talking about is really solid. So let’s do both. Let’s just check both those things out and make sure we’re really talking about apples and apples and not apples and oranges, and make sure we’re talking about transmissibility of Delta as we’re seeing what it’s doing right now.
HH: I agree. Look…
AF: So I’ll just keep an open mind.
The YouTube video is no longer available, presumably because discussing heterodox ideas like forcing children to wear masks by adults who are paranoiacs concerned about a variant that could be confused with allergies or the common cold, is against YouTube’s standards against “COVID disinformation.”
Mr. Science over there can spout off on how he thinks that masking little kids is necessary because he’s just like the terrified, vaccinated narcissists pushing for “Zero COVID” but we should have a damned good reason before we force children to slap a dirty face diaper on for hours a day.
WATCH: Fauci Says Children 2 And Up Should Wear Masks — But That’s Not What The WHO Recommends…
Of course, you know that Saint Fauci will be all-in on pushing a vaccine using new technology on children despite no long-term testing data. So, his excuse that we need to “rely on the data” is a disingenuous lie — he only looks at the data when it’s convenient.
Honest journalists would demand that Fauci produce the long-term safety data of the vaccines before they start jabbing children, but we don’t seem to have many of those these days.
If someone did start asking the hard questions, the Big Tech censors would silence them by saying it’s “against their guidelines” and pulling the video.
Just sayin’…