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Biden Says ‘Well Over 350 Million’ Americans Have Been Vaccinated — That’s More Than 100% Of The Population (VIDEO)

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Does this mean that we’ve reached herd immunity or is Joe just confused again?

According to the Census Bureau, the entire population of the United States reached just over 331 million in 2020, so it looks like Joe is confused.

It’s either that, or he’s finally admitting that the “11 million” number that they’ve been using for a decade and a half as an estimate of how many people are in the country illegally is total B.S… but that seems unlikely.

The most likely scenario is that Biden was confused about which number was what on his staff-prepared cue cards.

Here’s the thing, though — Joe made the same mistake twice.

Biden clearly confused the number of doses administered with the number of people that have been vaccinated.

He managed to be even more wrong than just simply mixing up the numbers — he was inflating the numbers. He said that “well over 350 million people” have been vaccinated, but according to the CDC, 348,966,419 doses of the vaccine have been administered, and 193,199,353 people have had at least one dose of the vaccine.

Here are the CDC numbers as of Friday, August 6:

Joe is clearly incapable of holding these pressers. He can’t keep from slurring and mixing up his words, and it’s just getting sad to watch him get shoved out in front of a camera for a few minutes when he clearly can’t handle it.

This isn’t the first time that Sleepy Joe has been confused about the population of the United States.

During the Democrat primary, Biden said that “150 million people have been killed since 2007” by gun violence. Uh…no.

When he was running against Trump, Biden also said that “200 million people will have die” from the coronavirus by the time he finished his speech. That’s strike two for Joe.

If we listened to Joe, two-thirds of the country died from COVID by September 2020, and another 150 million died since 2007 of gun violence, but he still managed to snag over 80 million votes. Not bad for a country with a couple of thousand people left, eh?

This is the “Leader of the Free World” — the man that represents the United States of America.

It’s embarrassing. 

But then, we shouldn’t be surprised, Joe was one of the dumbest members of Congress when he was elected in 1972, and although the competition was steep, he remained in that I.Q. bottom-tier throughout his time as a Senator, and as Vice President.

It’s almost admirable — here is a guy who is clearly not very bright, but made it to the Senate, hung in there for decades, was selected by the First Black President as assassination insurance running mate, then had enough political savvy to not challenge Hillary in 2016, and got the Democrat Machine to back him in 2020. Despite being a shuffling carcass of mediocrity with the occasional racist statement, he made it to the White House by hiding his incompetence in his basement during a pandemic.

Joe Biden is like a real-life Forrest Gump only less coherent, and with an influence-peddling son who has struggled with drug addiction and records himself having sex with prostitutes.

And yet, Joe Biden was apparently the best that the Democrats could manage to scrape onto the ticket in 2020, and they wonder why some Republicans question the results of the 2020 election.

Just look at the mess this guy is:

Yes, the man who has a hard time speaking in coherent sentences was the best that Democrats could offer. And it’s true…would you rather have Vice President Kamala Harris running things?

Me neither.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker