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Joe Biden Caught On Camera Pulling Down His Mask And Yelling During 9/11 Memorial

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Twitter users had some fun speculating what Joe was saying.

This is the guy that is imposing vaccine mandates for businesses because we need to “follow the science.”

But here he is, wearing his beloved mask outdoors, and he pulls it down to yell at someone in the crowd.

What is he saying? No one seems to know.

Interestingly, there are no reports on what it was that caused Joe to pull down his mask and yell during at the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero.

But let’s be real here, this isn’t a good look for someone who mandated masks on all federal property and is now pushing a federal vaccine mandate on businesses.

Let’s just address the elephant in the room — Joe Biden is a strange, strange man. He’s always been strange but as he gets older, he’s becoming even more strange.

He says weird things like that whole Corn Pop whatever the hell that was…

On the same day, the guy that has a predilection for sniffing women and children talked about how black kids would rub the hair on his legs and jump on his lap.

This is all very, very weird.

He also does weird things, like the aforementioned hair-sniffing.

Remember that time that he bit his wife’s finger while she was stumping for him on the campaign trail? That was weird.

And he has this obsession with wearing the masks.

He freaked out when he misplaced it back in April.

But the day before he wore a mask outdoors while he walked out of the White House alone to announce new CDC guidelines stating that if you’re fully vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask outdoors if you’re not in a large crowd.

This is the guy telling you to “follow the science.”

To recap, Biden:

  • is fully vaccinated for the coronavirus
  • spends 23 1/2 hours most days away from the public eye
  • has access to the top medical care in the country if he were to have one of those “rare” breakthrough infections
  • still wears a mask outdoors

81 million votes.

This is the guy that got 81 million votes?

This photo is going to be dismissed as an example of the “Republicans pounce” but you know that if this tapioca-brained occupant of the White House had an “R” after his name, this would be the defining photo of the President on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11… especially since Afghanistan fell into the hands of the Taliban just weeks ago because of his terrible decisions.

Clearly, he doesn’t give a damn about the science, and probably couldn’t understand it if someone tried to explain it to him. He just does what he’s told, which seems like an incongruous trait for the Leader of the Free World to possess.

Twitter users had a field day speculating what the context could be…

Many noticed that Obama

Sure, he might be stomping on your Constitutional rights, engaging with the Taliban as though they’re a legitimate government after handing over Afghanistan to them, abandoning our allies, gaslighting you about inflation, ignoring the rise in violent crime, vilifying political opponents as “white supremacist terrorists”, downplaying China as a threat, and pulling his mask down and yelling at someone on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 during the memorial at Ground Zero… but hey, at least there are no more mean tweets!

Check out Doug’s latest book, The Art of Joe: The Political Brilliance of President Biden. If you have left-leaning family members, workmates, or classmates, to buy several copies and place them in common areas. Make sure you have your video camera ready for when they pick it up and thumb through it because they will be triggered which will make for a great viral video to share across social media. Also, buy a couple for the GOP NeverTrumpers that you know. Finally, both the book’s cover and the epilogue, Notable Quotable Joe are worth the price of admission. We’ve included before and after Biden on Afghanistan. Jen Psaki will no likey this book, but you will. BTW, the book is 95% bereft of any content. Just like Biden’s head.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker