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CLASH POLL: Is This Vegan Activist’s Debate Speech The Ultimate ‘Woke’ Performance? (VIDEO)

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Of course she’s a vegan.

Back in January, at one point in the marathon 4-hour Joe Rogan Experience Episode #1769, Dr. Jordan Peterson was telling Joe Rogan about a recent experience he had when watching his daughter, Mikhaila participate in a recent debate at the Oxford Union. The debate was titled “Beyond Meat” where the two sides argued whether people should move past eating meat as a source of protein or not.

Here is the issue that was debated:

In the wake of damning new evidence, the contribution of meat consumption to carbon emissions is at the forefront of global conversations. In this debate, fears of environmental damage and ethical concerns for animal rights clash with millions within the meat industry facing unemployment, religious and cultural traditions being condemned, and those with medical requirements risking disapproval for putting their health first. In light of these competing concerns, we must confront one of the most urgent issues of our time: should society finally move beyond meat?

Mikhaila Peterson is a prominent advocate for the carnivore diet and hosts a podcast discussing her reasons for being pro-meat, many of which have to deal with the severe autoimmune illnesses she suffered as a child.

Dr. Peterson was telling Rogan that one of the vegans opposing Mikhaila was the most woke activist that he’d ever encountered.

Peterson said that comedian and commentator Andrew Doyle‘s “woke” parody Twitter personality, Titania McGrath, couldn’t hold a candle to Carol Adams, the woman he saw at the Oxford Union debate.

Here’s a clip of them laughing about the absurdity Adams was spewing.

Without further ado…

Behold Carol J. Adams, Ultimate Woke Activist.

Adams has written a number of books on veganism, feminism, eco-feminism, and… a couple of books on classic literature which seems oddly out of place.

If this is performance art, it’s absolutely brilliant. And incredibly committed.

Here she is going on for a full 12 minutes, with the heckling kept to a minimum.

Patriarchy, sexism, racism, toxic masculinity, white supremacy, “whiteness” as a pathology, neo-Nazis, abortion, colonialism, climate change, bullying, gender-based structures of oppression, gender constructs, the gender binary, the scourge of white men… geez, she really managed to squeeze just about every single woke issue in there, didn’t she?

So, what do you think… is Carol Adams a really skilled and dedicated grifter, or is she a true believer?

If you’re interested, here is Mikhaila Peterson’s speech:

You can see the entire lineup of speakers and a brief biography of each on the Oxford Union website.

If you’re really interested in watching the entire debate, you can watch all of the videos in sequence here:

If you don’t know where the Clash Daily team stands on this, you haven’t been here for very long.

Here’s a hint.

Get Doug Giles’ book, Rise, Kill and Eat: A Theology of Hunting from Genesis to Revelation today!

If a person looked to Scripture and paid particular attention to the passages within the Bible that address the topic of hunting, then they’d walk away thinking not only is hunting animals tolerated but it is endorsed by God. And that’s exactly what this little book is about: proving that God, from Genesis to Revelation, is extremely cool with hunters and hunting. I’ll go out on a biblical limb and claim right off the bat that you cannot show me, through the balance of the Bible, that the God of the Scripture is against the responsible killing and the grilling of the animals He created. ~Doug Giles

In his killer new book RISE, KILL & EAT: A Theology of Hunting From Genesis to Revelation Doug carries on with his courageous war against the lunatic fringe who dare recommend Bambi solutions to the annual production of edible wildlife. –Ted Nugent

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker