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YO BLINKEN: Terrorists Just Killed Another 50 Christians In Country You Pulled From Watch List

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Are you scratching your head about how Team Biden can get so many things so very wrong … by accident? If so, join the club.

From the day Biden took office we have seen his reflexive reversal of one ‘America First’ policy after another.

It almost seems like he is more interested in altogether erasing ‘that gentleman’ whose name he cannot bring himself to say from history including every one of his legacies than he is in pushing good policy.

Whether it’s renaming and repackaging the same vaccine distribution plan that Project Warp Speed had already set in motion, killing oil independence, destabilizing existing Middle East/Iran policy, or putting an end to Trump’s call for religious freedom, Biden has been shooting down one Trump-era policy after another with little, if any regard, for what is in the actual best interests of America or the World.

Among those reversals is Blinken taking the country with some of the highest number of religiously motivated murders in the world. Biden Turns Back On Trump’s Religious Freedom Legacy — Here’s The Result, A Boom In Persecution

Nigeria is currently ranked 7th in the world for highest persecution of Christians by Open Doors USA. In some parts of Nigeria, Christians face unimaginably fierce hostility, with kidnapping, murder, and the burning of buildings and farms becoming almost routine.

A member of International Christian Concern visited the region and reported:

ICC’s D.C.-based Regional Manager for Africa visited Nigeria in February 2022 and saw some of the destruction firsthand. “The militants want Christians to die of hunger,” said Ezekiel Bini of the Irigwe Youth Association.

Bini said that Nigerian authorities refuse to compensate them because they are Christians. The government wants Muslims to take over their land for grazing, he claimed, and pleaded with Christians in the diaspora to pray for them and to support them so that they would not die of hunger. He pleaded with President Biden to come to the aid of Christians in Nigeria suffering persecution and other human rights violations. He wants the American government to investigate Nigeria issues just like Ukraine. — International Christian Concern (italics in original)

In the relative safety of America, the government is slowly growing hostile to Christian beliefs, but not (yet) aggressively persecuting Christians per se, it’s easy to forget how different life can be in parts of the world where the hostility to faith is both more open and more violent.

Blinken has inexplicably pulled Nigeria from its well-earned place on a list of religious rights violators dropping their ‘Countries Of Particular Concern’ status since Biden took office. But that doesn’t mean life for the Christians who actually live there is any better than it was… if anything the danger is getting progressively worse.

Fulani herdsmen on Thursday (March 24) killed an estimated 50 Christians and abducted a Catholic priest in attacks on communities in an area of Kaduna state, Nigeria, area sources said.

In late-night attacks on 10 predominantly Christian communities of Giwa County, herdsmen and others also took about 100 people captive and burned down a church building, area residents said.

“They also burned houses, stores and killed animals,” resident Nuhu Musa told Morning Star News by text message. “These attacks continued and lasted up to the morning of Friday, 25 March. They didn’t allow even the dead bodies to be buried, as they shot at mourners and those who returned to the villages to conduct funerals for those killed.”

Women and children were among those killed, Musa said. The burned church building was located in Zangon Tama village, and the assailants also raided the villages of Unguwar Kaya Fatika, Barebari, Dillalai, Unguwar Bakko, Gidan Alhajin Kadi, Kadanya and Durumi, he said. — MorningStarNews

Does everything touched by Team Biden turn into an absolute dumpster fire?

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck