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CONVENIENT: Trump Raid, Biden Vacay Coincide With Afghanistan Anniversary

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It’s a charmed life running things as a Democrat. However badly you screw the pooch, there’s always an army of voices backing you up.

While Trump had knives coming out from among his own staffers, appointees, and alleged Republicans, Biden need not worry about any of that.

Biden is protected by his buddies…

On issues ranging from Covid ‘misinformation’, to economic issues, to a laundry list of criminal allegations against Hunter Biden, Joe can count on his buddies in Media and Big Tech to coordinate in pushing his agenda and silencing his critics.

To the benefit of his friends…

Biden’s friends get special treatment — including emails showing his backers in Teachers’ Unions actively dictating ‘medical’ policy to the CDC.

Openly calling for acts of violence against pro-life crisis pregnancy centers or other pro-life voices, or organized harassment of sitting members of SCOTUS (a felony) in their homes even AFTER the arrest of an attempted assassin … crickets.

And destruction of his enemies…

Meanwhile, Joe’s enemies get crushed under the wheels of government. Get the jab… or lose your job. Embrace hard-left policies on race, gender, and abortion, or the Federal government will withhold funding and take you to court.

If you dare to say anything about your daughter being forcibly sodomized at her own school, while the school board refused to act on it? You are labeled a terrorist. Just like the men acquitted of Whitmer’s Kidnapping because of FBI entrapment.

Even the ACLU is outraged over the liberties being taken by Joe’s ‘justice’ department seizing the digital devices of journalists critical of the Biden administration… just like the J6 Committee run roughshod over any and all 4th Amendment protections that ought to restrict the government from seizing information.

Especially Trump

Media Matters has a published plan of personal destruction for Trump dating back to when he was still President Elect entitled Media Matters War Plan 2017. The goal was to kneecap his effectiveness while in office and shorten his time in office, either by defeating Trump’s reelection bid or by accusing him of everything under the sun and (ultimately) impeaching him.

Four Dem-affiliated groups were mentioned in that document to organize an anti-Trump resistance. One of them was called CREW.

(Sound familiar?)

Is the investigation being used to distract us?

There is a long-standing practice of NOT launching criminal investigations against a political candidate during an election season, lest it be seen as political interference. In fact, that’s the objection raised by some about the very real and relevant issues raised by allegations of Hunter Biden’s political pay-for-play schemes.

If true, that would directly implicate Joe Biden in corruption. But it was STILL squelched in that ‘fortified’ election that swept Joe into power.

But 90 days or so before the midterms, with Biden’s popularity in the toilet, we are seeing a criminal investigation launched by Biden’s ‘wingman’ into the President who gave someone else the SCOTUS job he had been tapped for.

What are we NOT looking at?

Being the larger-than-life figure he is, Trump has an uncanny ability to suck all the oxygen out of any room. Love him or hate him, you are bound to be talking about him.

Exactly what Joe Biden wants us to be doing right now.


Because we are coming up on the one-year anniversary of the moment in his Presidency when the bottom first began to fall out in his public support numbers.

When Joe screwed the pooch by (a) creating the circumstances in which Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and (b) making the fall of Saigon look like an orderly retreat by comparison, Joe lost credibility both at home and abroad.

Joe Biden took his wife and embattled son, Hunter (who whistleblowers say has been shielded from any meaningful FBI scrutiny) away on a little holiday just in time for Trump to act as their lightning rod on the anniversary of the Fall of Kabul.

There’s footage of Biden riding his bike on the beach, refusing to talk to reporters. (So close to the anniversary of the fall of Afghanistan, he doesn’t dare take any questions.)

In all the excitement about Trump, he expects us all to forget about his Fall of Saigon contribution to history… and many subsequent failures, foreign and domestic.

Something tells me that ClashDaily readers are not so easily distracted.

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck