Hey Libs, If The ‘Groomer Agenda’ Is A Myth… What’s Happening HERE?

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What began with a David French ‘tolerance’ argument for stories in public libraries … has since become a movement to deliberately disrupt gender which critics denounce at their own peril.
Three stories from the past week, taken together, bring this issue into sharp focus, with each story getting progressively more awful.
Twerking in The Chapel
First, we have the left’s colonization of a church in service of their crusade to ‘abolish gender’, which happened to include an LGBT (etc) event where children were being bullied into participation for fear of being branded bigots.
Students at Manhattan’s Grace Church High School are speaking out after they were forced to attend the school’s Pride chapel last spring.
On April 27, the private high school held its sixth Pride chapel, featuring drag queen guest Jesse Havea, also known as Brita Filter.
“There was tons of social pressure to dance along and pretend like it was normal for sure,” a student who chose to remain anonymous told the Post Millennial, “whether it be people tapping on shoulders and telling them to stand up or just a collective staring contest at whoever wasn’t totally participating.”
…“I literally went to church to teach the children today,” Havea wrote in the video’s caption. “A Catholic High School here in NYC invited me to their Pride Chapel. Visibility matters and I’m so honored to have had the chance to talk to you about my work as a LGBTQ+ Drag Queen Activist.” –NYPost
That particular private school isn’t cheap, either.
We’ve somehow gone from Christ’s offer of forgiveness to the lost coupled with an admonition to ‘go and sin no more’ to twerking in church.
If you don’t think this is an intentional act of subersion, secular colonialization, and cultural conquest, you’ve not learned any of history’s lessons of what happened when the anti-religious zealots in the French Revolution murdered the clergy and held a ceremony for Robespierre’s Cult of Pure Reason at the Notre Dame cathedral.
Pole-dancing lessons for little junior
Why does a pride event feel the need to introduce highly sexualized concepts like stripper poles to children?
Here is a proud parent’s creepy online bragging about little junior’s first time on a stripper pole.
A pride event in PA featured a stripper pole where they taught kids how to pole dance pic.twitter.com/IRBE07lp3q
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 4, 2022
We can’t be the only ones thinking stripper pole and children shouldn’t even be found in the same sentence, let alone the same event, can we?
Since these guys have made it clear they will never, EVER, stop pushing boundaries of decency, one shudders to imagine what the next adult theme they’ll normalize for children might be — latex and sex toys, maybe?
But these first two stories are tame by comparison to this last one.
Black Market Puberty Blockers
The worst of the three stories is the joy of one activist in announcing they will be providing black-market puberty blocker meds into the hands of teens that were never prescribed them by a doctor.
Don’t worry about FDA warnings about the extreme dangers puberty blockers can have on children. They include brain swelling and vision loss. That’s just the acute medical crises and doesn’t address issues like bone loss, sterility or a lifelong dependence on expensive hormone therapy… and a Tavistock study in 2020 showed that they are NOT, in fact, reversible.
There was even one high-profile case where puberty blockers were administered to a young boy who wanted to become a girl, and because of the puberty blockers, the penis had not developed fully enough for the penile inversion surgery to take place.
This is the rationale for why DeSantis (and others) are prohibiting the prescribing of puberty blockers to minors in their states and plays a large role in why the UK’s Tavistock clinic is closing its doors.
An independent review under the direction of Dr. Hilary Cass, former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, condemned the GIDS model — typified by immediate affirmation and swift passage to puberty-blocking drugs — as one that puts young people “at considerable risk” of poor mental health, and is therefore “not a safe or viable long-term option.”
The review’s litany of charges includes: inadequate assessment, rushed medicalization, failures to safeguard children, indifference to the special vulnerability of disproportionately autistic and same-sex attracted patients, substandard research, undue influence of political actors, such as trans activist groups Mermaids and Stonewall, and intimidation of whistleblower staff. –NationalPost
Libs of TikTok is doing more to expose real threats to our country than Biden’s DOJ. Dem prosecutors are letting fentanyl pushers walk away scott free, but one lady with a social media account is exposing horrors like this:
THREAD: I just busted an international illegal drug operation. Will @FBI @DEAHQ do anything? https://t.co/KvL3CI36pE
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 5, 2022
This account claims to have a distribution network with hundreds of doses of various hormones, being offered for free. [Gee, we’ve never heard that ‘first one’s free’ line before, ever.]
This model is working on exactly the same grift that turned the lawful prescription of pills into an opioid crisis just a few short years ago.
While this particular post has been pulled down, the person who wrote it is reveling in the exposure being gained for ‘the cause’.
But wait, there’s more!
We’ve got international drug running AND an open call to murder a sitting Supreme Court Justice?
But do go on and tell us more about the grave threat that the political right poses to the stability of our society.
Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.
Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.
This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.