Newsom Declares Monkeypox State Of Emergency AFTER San Fran Leather Kink Festival
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This is the same guy that closed schools and churches when COVID was spreading.
Only a handful of churches fought back against the COVIDictators — notably Grace Community Church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California.
A new virus is spreading in 2022, and although it’s rarely lethal, it is extremely unpleasant and can spread quickly. For now, at least, it is primarily spreading among gay and bisexual men — but you’re not really allowed to say that.
On Monday, Cali Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency to bolster the state’s vaccination efforts to combat the spread of monkeypox.
To support CA's monkeypox vaccine efforts, we have declared a state of emergency. We're working to ensure those most at-risk are the focus for vaccination & treatment. We’ll continue to work with @WhiteHouse & stand with LGBTQ communities fighting stigmas.
— Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) August 2, 2022
California became the second state in three days to take the step, after New York, and Newsom said the declaration will help state officials better coordinate a government-wide response, seek more vaccines and lead outreach and education efforts on where people can get treatment and vaccination.
‘We’ll continue to work with the federal government to secure more vaccines, raise awareness about reducing risk, and stand with the LGBTQ community fighting stigmatization,’ Newsom said.
Nearly 800 cases of monkeypox have been reported in California, according to state public health officials.
Newsom made the declaration on Mondy, the day after a leather kink festival in San Francisco that the executive director described as “body to body” in previous years.
San Francisco’s annual Up Your Alley leather and fetish fair is expected to go on this weekend despite widespread concerns about the spread of monkeypox.
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) July 30, 2022
But that didn’t stop the LGBTQ+ community on Sunday from organizing a street fair called ‘Dore Alley’ or ‘Up Your Alley,’ a leather and fetish event that is commonly compared to to the Folsom Street Fair — California’s third-largest single-day and outdoor spectator event — as well as the world’s largest leather event and showcase for BDSM products and culture.
Kinky games and street vendors selling leather apparel including chokers, collars, whips and bondage kits are a common at the venue, which mostly attracts gay men out of any demographic. A sound stage was also set up for festivalgoers to dance.
Dore Alley is a big draw for gay men in particular, who make up around almost all of the monkeypox cases.
San Francisco had declared a Monkeypox state of emergency several days before the festival and still allowed it to go forward.
After all, the city is a roiling den of hedonism, and some painful disease with open, weeping wounds spreading like wildfire among gay men isn’t going to change that after they had to shut down the kink festival for two years because of the ‘Rona.
But don’t worry, they were prepared. They spread out the festival so it wasn’t so crammed together, public health officials were present giving information on monkeypox, and hand sanitizing stations were set up.
This year, the San Francisco Department of Public Health was on-site to inform the local community about the viral disease and to keep them safe by adding hand sanitizing stations.
The festival was also more spread out than usual so people could freely roam around.
‘I think probably more risky things in both Outside Lands and Dore Alley will be the things that happen after the event or around the private event spaces, where people are intimate with each other,’ UCSF infectious disease specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong told NBC Bay Area.
Source: Daily Mail
So far, 98% of monkeypox cases are among gay and bisexual men who have multiple partners and the small sliver of others include people who live with those men.
But in order to reduce “stigma” — we’re supposed to ignore that and pretend that anyone can get it at any time.
DON’T SAY GAY: Public Health Officials Downplay Who Is TRULY At Risk For Monkeypox
Granted, that 98% can change because it spreads through skin-to-skin contact as well contact with open wound fluid on surfaces.
Some public health officials are now insisting that it can be spread through airborne particles like COVID, but this doesn’t seem to make much sense since the cases are limited almost exclusively to gay and bisexual men.
This became the new talking point and the hashtag #MonkeypoxIsAirborne was trending on Twitter. If airborne spread is real, then that would make Dore Alley a “Super Spreader” event simply because of the number of people in Cali with the virus.
Chad Felix Greene, who happens to be gay, has been tweeting about the threat of monkeypox spread by gay men who engage in risky behavior and then spread through mundane interaction with people not in that high risk crowd.
He has a lot of thoughts on the subject.
If you or I became exposed unknowingly and then became symptomatic, the chances we would spread it to others are minimal.
Gay men who have been exposed continue engaging in highly frequent, high-risk behaviors spreading it rapidly to others.
That's the issue here.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 28, 2022
Monkeypox can infect anybody.
Before you touch that shopping cart, door handle or toilet seat, just remember, you don't know who just left a piss orgy and smeared infected body fluids all over it on their way to their next Grindr hook up.
Monkeypox doesn't discriminate.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 28, 2022
You're going to end up covered in painful sores from accidentally touching the wrong shopping cart because this smug jackass was focused on the feelings of gay men and lecturing about "sex shaming" while gay men created a super version of monkeypox and saturated their community.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 28, 2022
Gays will continue behaving recklessly, defended and protected by progressive leaders, and monkeypox will spread rapidly until it finally breaks out into the general population and then they'll all chant, 'SEE?? WE TOLD YOU IT WASNT A GAY DISEASE!!'
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 28, 2022
He even proposed a solution to end the outbreak.
Just like HIV, monkeypox is remarkably easy to avoid.
If gay men in urban areas took a month off from anonymous sex – no sex with anyone you aren't already in a relationship with – and everyone with monkeypox got treated and quarantined, the outbreak would be over by Fall.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 26, 2022
Every single one of us put on a mask and isolated ourselves in our homes for months on end at the mere suggestion it could stop COVID.
Gay men can manage a few orgyless weekends in August to curb monkeypox until enough of them can get vaccinated and resume their gaying.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 26, 2022
But, “One month to stop the spread” will never get traction when it comes to monkeypox. It’s apparently “reductionistic” to suggest that gay men not engage in sex with multiple partners for a while.
I don't think anyone is arguing gay men infected with monkeypox should be targeted for public shaming or denied treatment.
That's what the left did with COVID.
But I don't see why we have to pretend gay male culture isn't to blame for the rapidly growing monkeypox issue.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 28, 2022
But hey, at least gay orgies aren’t worship services, right?
During COVID police in NYC busted down the doors of Orthodox Jewish homes to stop religious services.
But now the left is complaining people online might hint that gay male sex culture is spreading monkeypox faster than it can be contained and causing 'homophobia.'
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 26, 2022
It looks like we’ve determined which activities in California are “essential” and which aren’t.
Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap
by Doug Giles
Beginning in March 2020, many Christians went into lockdown-freak-out mode. Uncut, irrational, unbiblical, and not to mention, unconstitutional, fear gripped many churches and church leaders. Forced to choose between obeying the Word of God or the edict of man, most Western Churches buckled. We even saw it here in First Amendment-protected America.
The Apostle Peter buckled to fear on the night of Christ’s crucifixion. But he learned his lesson and lived the rest of his life bold as a lion. How can the church ‘go and do likewise’?
Read the book and find out!
Get your copy of Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap now. Better yet, grab an extra copy for any petrified pastor who dutifully put obedience to the unconstitutional edicts of Mayor McCheese ahead of obedience to the explicit commandments of the LORD God Almighty.