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WATCH: Jon Stewart Screams Obscenities At Conservative Journo Asking About PACT Act Activism

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Jon Stewart made a career of being “fake news” that shills for Democrats. It seems things haven’t changed since his “retirement.”

Conservatives aren’t always the biggest fans of Jon Stewart because of the legacy of his former Comedy Central show that merged comedy and politics in an unholy partisan alliance. What’s worse is that all of the late-night comedy shows have grabbed hold of this model and very few of his acolytes are competent enough to pull it off as effectively as he did.

But occasionally, even Jon Stewart is right about something — his support and advocacy for veterans and first responders is truly commendable.

For the past several years, Stewart has been demanding Congress address the illness, suffering, and even death of veterans and servicemembers caused by exposure to toxic chemicals from burn pits. Burn pits were used to burn solid waste in open air without equipment and were used in Iraq, Southwest Asia, Afghanistan, and other locations across Asia and the Middle East.

Congress is finally acting on this with the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act.

However, this is Washington with a Democrat President, House, and the Democrat Vice President acting as the tie-breaking vote of a 50/50 split Senate, so you know there’s gonna be some shenanigans.

So very often the shenanigans seem to relate to spending. The Dems just can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to shoving unrelated spending into bills.

The PACT Act was no different. Democrats shoved $400 billion in unrelated spending into the bill.

Most of the Senate understands the importance of passing this act, and of getting veterans the health care they need. However, it has been held up in Congressional red-tape, essentially.

It was originally passed in June, but then was required to be put up for a revote after the House made a change to the legislation. The change in the bill up for a vote before the Senate, according to the Congressional Budget Office, was to the tune of $400 billion in completely unrelated spending.
Source: Human Events

Jon Stewart lost his mind when GOP Senators refused to vote for it anyway. Stewart used his platform to say that Republican Senators don’t care about veterans and insist that the bill hadn’t changed between what was passed in June and what came back from the House.

Stewart became the useful idiot slamming Republican Senators for not passing the PACT Act with the $400 billion stuffed in there.


Of course, Stewart grabbed the attention of the Regime Media and the headline was, “Republican Senators block veteran’s health bill.”

Stewart kept insisting that the bill hadn’t been changed.

Stewart even showed up on Fox News saying that the “budget gimmick” isn’t in the bill.

He’s wrong.

Navy veteran and journalist Jack Posobiec called him out on Twitter for it. As anyone who follows him knows, Poso always has the receipts.

He even retweeted a video of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) saying that he’d vote for the bill if the $400B of spending was taken out.

This led to a confrontation on Capitol Hill with Jon Stewart, Raheem Kassam of National Pulse, and Jack Posobiec of Human Events on the weekend and it got heated.

Kassam tweeted all about it including video of Stewart searing at Posobiec and calling him a “f*cking troll.”

According to Jack, after about an hour, Jon calmed down and they came to an agreement that the bill needs to be passed.

While it’s great that they came to an agreement, Jon Stewart’s behavior was shameful — especially with a calm, cool Jack Posobiec making him look even worse.

Here’s a longer clip of Jon screaming at Jack.

It would be really nice if we could dispense with the name-calling and vitriol when it’s pretty clear that both sides want the same thing.

Conservatives could learn a lot from Poso’s calm demeanor when facing a raging Jon Stewart.

Check out ClashRadio for more wit and wisdom from ClashDaily’s Big Dawg. While you’re at it, here’s his latest book:

If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive

Much of the Left loathes masculinity and they love to paint Jesus as a non-offensive bearded woman who endorses their agenda. This book blows that nonsense all to hell. From the stonking laptop of bestselling author, Doug Giles, comes a new book that focuses on Jesus’ overt masculine traits like no other books have heretofore. It’s informative, bold, hilarious, and scary. Giles has concluded, after many years of scouring the scripture that, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive. 

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker