If You Want To Bless Your Kids … Do This

*The following is from my latest bestseller, The Wildman Devotional: A 50 Day Devotional for Men
“A righteous person who walks in his integrity — How blessed are his sons after him.”
— Proverbs 20:7
When’s the last time you heard a sermon on integrity? I hear sermons all the time on miracles, faith, God’s blessings, prosperity, and healing, which are all well and good, but I don’t hear diddly-squat so much about walking in integrity.
Solomon says the righteous dude who walks in integrity has a massive impact on his kids and that impact is a blessing.
Check it out: If you walk in integrity your kids are going to be blessed. Blessed means in the original language that they’re happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable. That beats the crap out of your kids being sad, cursed, broke, and despicable, eh?
For those not hip to what integrity is, integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. In other words, you walk wholeheartedly before God and you don’t screw people over.
What a great legacy and an example we leave for our kids by walking in integrity before God and man. If you’ve blown your Christian example, just repent. God forgives. We all have done it to one extent or another. Set your compass now on true North and ask the Holy Spirit each day to make you a man of integrity. Remember that your integrity equates a massive, Holy Ghost blessing upon your kids and who would not want that?
The Wildman Devotional: A 50 Day Devotional for Men
Dear Warriors. The Wildman Devotional: A 50 Day Devotional for Men will fuel your inner wildman with solid meat from the scripture. In these 200+ pages, you’ll feast on the wealth, the walk, and the warfare of the Christian that’ll prepare you for maximum usefulness on this side of the grave. This book is fire! A great gift for all the men in your life. BTW, women will love this devotional as well.