College Of Psychologists Threatens To Revoke Jordan Peterson’s License For Anti-Trudeau Tweets
It appears that Canada’s leading intellectual is being targeted for censure because he shares his political views on Twitter.
On Tuesday, Canadian clinical psychologist, University of Toronto Professor Emeritus, and internationally popular author and speaker, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, announced on Twitter that the Ontario College of Psychologists are demanding that he submit to “reeducation” because of his tweets critical of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his allies, including Trudeau’s former chief advisor, (but longtime friend,) Gerald Butts.
Going after perhaps the most prominent intellectual on the planet for his political tweets?
The College of Psychologists is a government-regulated body that has the authority to regulate and sanction psychologists presumably to protect the public from abuse and harm.
Before Peterson became a household name, he ran afoul of the Trudeau administration in 2016 for publicly opposing the law (Bill C-16) that would include “gender identity” and “gender orientation” as legally protected classes which would make “misgendering” a transgender person a crime. Peterson opposed the law saying that it would compel speech.
Shortly after his testimony before a Parliamentary committee on the issue, Peterson’s lecture videos went viral, he started a podcast, appeared on Joe Rogan, and became a viral sensation. By 2017, he had become a household name.
Peterson says he had never been investigated while he had a clinical practice and it wasn’t until 2017 that complaints were lodged against him.
“I was never investigated for anything for the 20 years I practiced prior to my emergence on the public scene,” said Dr. Peterson.
The College of Psychologists is obligated to investigate claims against him, but in the past, they were all dismissed. Most of the claims were spurious to begin with — one claimed Dr. Peterson had signed a document used in a child custody case, but the signature had been lifted from Wikipedia, another claimed that Dr. Peterson was “transphobic, sexist, and racist” for tweeting an article by Crisis Magazine that accused the transgender movement was targeting autistic children.
The move to censure Dr. Peterson is certainly in line with the pro-censorship agenda pushed by the Trudeau administration. There are currently several bills that will significantly curb speech in Canada — including on social media platforms. Dr. Peterson has been a vocal critic of Bill C-11 colloquially known in Canadian conservative circles as “The Online Censorship Bill.”
Wake the hell up, Canadian sleepers: your PM @JustinTrudeau has (re)introduced Bill C-11, which will grant his narcissistic minions an unparalleled degree of control over online content:
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 8, 2022
If you needed more evidence that our international embarrassment of a PM @justintrudeau admires authoritarian control ( just consider Bill C-11:
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 8, 2022
Canadians: you better learn damn quick to use a VPN. Look it up. Bill C-11 has made us the most censorship-laden country in the developed world. Congratulations @JustinTrudeau you've finally put the country you don't even believe in a number one spot.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 22, 2022
Why should Canadians care about Bill C-11? From the Toronto Sun:
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 22, 2022
As a YouTube content creator with millions of followers, this is a relevant issue for Dr. Peterson. And as a student of history who so often decries government tyranny, this is a path he doesn’t want to see Canada go down.
Dr. Peterson says that despite his millions of followers — many of whom have attested that his teachings have made their lives better — the College of Psychiatrists is taking seriously a handful of complaints from all over the world that claim “harm” from tweets and public statements by Peterson, which could result in the revocation of his license as a clincial psychologist.
BREAKING: the Ontario College of Psychologists @CPOntario has demanded that I submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining with their experts for, among other crimes, retweeting @PierrePoilievre and criticizing @JustinTrudeau and his political allies.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
I have been accused of harming people (although none of the complainants involved in the current action were clients of mone, past or present, or en were even acquainted with any of my clients.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
About a dozen people from all over the world submitted complaints about my public statements on Twitter and Rogan over a four year period (out of the 15 million who follow me on social media) claiming that I had "harmed" people (not them) with my views.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
I have been accused of harming people (although none of the complainants involved in the current action were clients of mine, past or present, or were even acquainted with any of my clients).
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
We are now in a situation in Canada under @JustinTrudeau where practicing professionals can have their livelihoods and public reputations threatened in a very serious manner for agreeing with the Official Opposition and criticizing major government figures.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
Canadians: your physicians, lawyers, psychologists and other professionals are now so intimidated by their commissar overlords that they fear to tell you the truth. This means that your care and legal counsel has been rendered dangerously unreliable.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
To reiterate: I face public disgrace, mandatory political re-education, disciplinary hearing and potential loss of my clinical licensing for agreeing with @PierrePoilievre and criticizing our standing PM @JustinTrudeau
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
And to let the chips fall where they will in consequence
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
The Daily Wire, who just a few months ago announced their partnership with Dr. Peterson, reported on the move by the Ontario College of Psychologists.
The current grievance against Peterson is just the latest of several investigated by the college, with prior complaints having been dismissed. Peterson’s latest alleged transgressions include retweeting Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s criticism of Trudeau, blasting Trudeau’s former senior aide, Gerald Butts, and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, tweeting opposition to a plan by Ottawa police to take custody of the children of the Trucker Convoy protesters, and telling Joe Rogan’s podcast audience that acceptance of radical gender theory is a sign of “civilizations collapsing” and that climate change models are unreliable.
Peterson called Butts a “stunningly corrupt and incendiary fool” and a “prik” in a pair of February tweets. In another tweet in February, at the height of Canada’s trucker protest against vaccine mandates, Peterson called Trudeau a “Puppet.” The tweets were among a tranche sent to the college in early March by an anonymous complainant.
College Executive Director Rick Morris said he reviewed the tweets, as well as a transcript from Peterson’s January 25, 2022, appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, and determined they warranted an investigation.
Source: The Daily Wire
The article adds that the investigation has expanded to include a May tweet from Peterson about plus-sized Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Yumi Nu. Peterson wrote, “Sorry. Not beautiful,” wrote Peterson. “And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”
It also includes the tweet that got Peterson suspended from Twitter — Peterson had tweeted about Ellen Page, who won an Academy Award for “Best Actress” for her role in Juno in 2008, and “came out” as a transgender man in 2020 and now goes by the name Elliot Page. “Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician,” wrote Peterson.
Going after Peterson for his political tweets may be the smokescreen to deflect from the Tras-Radical Activists (TRA) that go scorched-earth on anyone that dares disagree with them.
There is no such thing as "gender-affirming" medical or psychological care. It is not the job of physicians or psychologist to affirm or deny but to explore and, above all, to not do harm.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 30, 2022
Gender-Affirming Treatment of Gender Dysphoria in Youth: A Perfect Storm Environment for the Placebo Effect—The Implications for Research and Clinical Practice | SpringerLink
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 8, 2022
Twitter’s new “Chief Twit” and prolific tweeter, Elon Musk replied to Dr. Peterson’s thread with two exclamation marks.
It's worse than you think in Canada @elonmusk. Regulated professionals are now terrified into silence by their respective colleges. This means they are no longer able to say what they believe to be true. And who needs that from their lawyers, physicians — or psychologists?
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
Peterson is right that others are going through the same thing for voicing the “wrong” opinions.
I’m in the midst of an 18-day disciplinary hearing with @BCnursemidwife because I know biological sex is real & important. This is the same thing that’s happening to you @ the behest of your college, @jordanbpeterson
— Amy Eileen Hamm (@preta_6) January 3, 2023
ClashDaily just reported on a math teacher that may have his teaching license revoked for a rather innocuous 2017 “misgendering” incident involving a student that he later apologized for.
Interestingly, like Dr. Peterson, these complaints also fall afoul of the radical trans activists.
Dr. Peterson says that he is committed to be as open about the process as possible.
I will ensure that does not happen. Period.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 4, 2023
Thank you sir. Maybe we can turn the woke tide in 2923 but I doubt it. Not yet.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
But then again, it could be because of the political tweets. Dr. Peterson has been very vocal about his political views.
Peterson has long been critical of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but he’s ramped up his criticism since his return to Twitter. He was particularly combative around Christmas.
Conrad Black: A moral imperative for Trudeau Liberals to resign, via @NationalPost @ConradMBlack
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 25, 2022
I learned to watch for people's psychological age during my years doing intensive clinical work. @JustinTrudeau appears to me to be perpetually 14 yrs old.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 27, 2022
Every year that our marionette PM stays in power is a "tough year" for Canadians @JustinTrudeau @theJagmeetSingh (and the latter props him up and complains about doing so constantly)
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 27, 2022
You just can't quit with this can you @JustinTrudeau shilling for the pharmaceutical companies
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 27, 2022
And continues to be. Here is a tweet from yesterday:
Even the German socialists have figure this out. Are you watching, @JustinTrudeau — the man who claimed there was "no business case" for supplying our German allies, in the face of the Russian war, with LNG?
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 3, 2023
He’s criticized Trudeau for his COVID policies, pushing censorship, and (not a surprise for a guy that grew up in Alberta,) for Trudeau’s anti-fossil fuel positions.
Only @JustinTrudeau could fail to make the business case for oil and gas in the midst of a war with Russia and an international energy crisis.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 26, 2022
Unless they honk too loud… right @JustinTrudeau ?
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 30, 2022
A model for the world, our @JustinTrudeau
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 7, 2022
But, he’s also critical of Jagmeet Singh, leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party (NDP) which is neither “new” nor very “democratic” — think of it like the AOC “Democratic Socialist” wing of the U.S.’s Democratic Party.
The NDP: Beating the same drum nonstop since 1961 @theJagmeetSingh
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 31, 2022
His solution: support idiot globalist utopians who make you poor while failing utterly to save the planet while pillorying everyone who objects as a "denier" @theJagmeetSingh
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 20, 2022
If there's a simple word for it @theJagmeetSingh would know it…
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 4, 2023
You are so utterly sickening you pathetic panderer @theJagmeetSingh
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 4, 2022
The Liberals and NDP made a deal in 2021 to prop up the Liberal government after Trudeau failed to secure the majority he had been seeking when he called an election during the pandemic and just 2 years after the last one.
The deal meant that the NDP would support Liberal government motions so another election wasn’t triggered since Trudeau couldn’t just ram through legislation at will.
What the hell? Seriously. Who is this man? Who advises him? And what somersaults are his defenders (@theJagmeetSingh) going to perform to justify this?
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 23, 2022
Wait until a few more years have passed under the guidance of @JustinTrudeau and his lapdog @theJagmeetSingh. We can easily make everyone poorer and more desperate. While making the planet worse.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 12, 2022
Here's a great surprise. The leader of the socialist party calling for the use of emergency force against working class protestors @theJagmeetSingh if anything you're a bigger fool than our PM @JustinTrudeau
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 14, 2022
What does he think of the new leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre?
It’s no secret to anyone who listens to Peterson that he leans conservative politically.
Like many right-wingers in Canada, he seems to be a fan of the guy that is basically center-right and has spent his entire political career focused on fiscal responsibility — that’s truly an anomaly in Canada.
Pierre Polievre appears to have some courage @PierrePoilievre
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) February 2, 2022
Peterson had him on his podcast to do a long-form interview as he was running for leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada.
Mr. Pierre Poilievre spent two hours in a wide-ranging conversation with me today. No one can hide in long form dialog, and he didn't. Enough legacy media sound-bite governing. It's high time for some straight and detailed talk. Release slated for Monday. @PierrePoilievre
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) May 10, 2022
Governments use divide and conquer to keep control.
From my discussion with @PierrePoilievre.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 15, 2022
Glad to do it. Perhaps long form might become the platform of choice for competent political actors @PierrePoilievre
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) May 16, 2022
And the most damning of all…
Merry Christmas @PierrePoilievre
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 26, 2022
Peterson followed up on Wednesday with screenshots of the agreement he has been asked to sign.
I mentioned yesterday that I wanted to make the details of the accusations made against me by the Ontario College of Psychologists public. Here's a string beginning that process.
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 4, 2023
I plan asap to make all the allegations and my responses as public as possible while abiding by the ethical and legal restrictions on doing so (and least insofar as those rules are clear and commensurate with truth and a reasonable defence) @CPOntario
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 4, 2023
Here's the last page of the required "undertaking."
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 4, 2023
Among the things listed, Dr. Peterson has to admit that he “may have lacked professionalism in public statements made on social media” as well as on his January 2022 appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and agree to pay for the “re-education” sessions which must be completed in 6 months. It also acknowledges that he might lose his license even if he does comply if the “coach” he pays to re-educate him finds in her final report that the issues being addressed have not been “appropriately remediated in the public interest.”
Meanwhile, there’s an absolute peach of a guy that makes over $200k a year as a law professor in the Nation’s Capital despite his consistently abusive Twitter account.
By the way, I wonder how many @uOttawa law students have "flipped burgers" to pay tuition (and this guy's salary)?
— Jonathan Kay (@jonkay) June 20, 2022
Maybe there aren’t a bunch of complaints about Attaran because nobody cares about some idiot on Twitter… but the guy changing the lives of (mostly) young men, well, he’s a threat to the ideological, deconstructionist Left.
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