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Tucker Reacts To Canadian Politician’s Attempt To Condemn His Joke (VIDEO)

In a brief segment on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson attempted to tamp down Canadian outrage over his suggestion that the United States should “liberate” Canada.

The comment was clearly a joke, but the Lefty Luminaries in Canada didn’t get it.


The joke was made on Carlson’s “Tucker Carlson Today” Fox Nation show in November.

Right before the comment about Justin Trudeau turning Canada into Cuba, Carlson and his guest David Azerrad were talking about the Trucker Protest in Ottawa (which the Canadian media continues to call an “occupation”) and the heavy-handed crackdown by the Liberal government. Azerrad joked that he wondered if Carlson was going to ask him if Trudeau was Fidel Castro’s son. Carlson replied “obviously” and they both laughed. Carlson followed up with the joke that he was “completely in favour of a Bay of Pigs operation to liberate the country.”

That led to some faux outrage in the Canadian Parliament by some eager-beaver unknown back-bencher who wanted to make a name for himself while using the opportunity to lay a trap for the Conservative Party of Canada. New Democratic Party MP Matthew Green attempted to insinuate that the center-right party is actually a guise for “far-right violent extremism” akin to the “Extreme MAGA Republicans” in the U.S. that the Biden admin is constantly droning on about.

I covered that yesterday:

LMAO: Canadian Politician’s Motion To Condemn A JOKE By Tucker Carlson In Parliament Fails Spectacularly (VIDEO)

Carlson responded to the Canadian Member of Parliament.

As a Canadian, I’d like to go on record and express my mixed feelings about this — I have a profound sadness that liberators are not coming (yet), but also relief that you’ve been spared from the leftism infecting our politics up here.

For example, it’s a hard pill to swallow to know that Dear Leader Trudeau and his Eco-Zealots will continue to punish our oil and gas sector and insist on a transition from fossil fuels to unreliable “renewable” energy that just makes everything more expensive and hits the poor the hardest. I’m consoling myself with the knowledge that you currently have a similar situation there with Biden and his own Merry Band of Greta Worshippers.

But let’s get to Tucker’s main point — MP Green is delusional that taking over Canada would necessitate a military invasion at all.

You guys could send a couple of troops of gender-neutral Boy Scouts up here and we’d have no recourse. Our military is horrendously underfunded and there is a massive recruitment problem here.

While I respect those willing to serve this country when it was a serious country… I (respectfully) don’t quite get it now. Canada is no longer a serious country.

Serious countries don’t violate Charter Rights because a bad head cold is spreading, nor do the same to those that refuse to inject an experimental gene therapy with no long-term data to “protect” against serious illness from the bad head cold. A serious country doesn’t arrest a pastor for holding a church service on Good Friday. A serious country doesn’t offer its citizens government-assisted death if they are suffering from mental health problems or can’t afford rent — nor does it fund an activity booklet for children normalizing the practice. A serious country doesn’t ignore more than a hundred cases of vandalism and arson of church buildings because graves were found where graves were expected to be.


What are Canadians in the military serving? Our Prime Minister called Canada “the first postnational state” after coming to power in 2015. If that’s the case, then why not just have U.N. Peacekeepers and be done with that military line item in the budget? It’s not like we treat our veterans well, anyway. The government agencies here are telling veterans that they don’t care if they need mental health assistance or a lift to help them get up and down the stairs — perhaps medically-assisted suicide is a better choice. It’s outrageous.

My own hot take is that much of the Canadian identity (especially on the Left) lies in constantly virtue-signaling that “no, we are not American” even though our language, culture, and society are pretty much identical, while simultaneously importing issues that are uniquely American — outrage over the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, George Floyd protests, and virulent anti-Trumpism.

Just like the ‘Rona, the virus of Leftism is gonna continue to spread and the best way to protect yourself is to stay healthy — read, think, act, and elect people who aren’t on the nutty left side of the political spectrum. Oh, and try to stay away from the brainworm takes of the Libs and Dippers or just call them out on it the way that Tucker did.

When you guys get your act together, many Canadian conservatives will welcome the revisiting of that invasion idea…

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Sir John, Eh!

Sir John, Eh! is ClashDaily's anonymous Canadian Correspondent who brings the Canuck perspective while reporting on what's going on in Justin Trudeau's woketopia.