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GROOMERS: Party With Dead ‘Trans Woman’, 4 Drag Queens, Sex Toys, Drugs — And Four Kids Under 10

If you aren’t buying into the pronoun panic, you might like these shirts with some snarky ‘pronouns’ of our own:


The Grifter-In-Chief recently draped the White House in rainbow colors while praising the courage of this crowd, decrying the violence they suffer. That very same day, a glitter-encrusted horror show was unfolding in a Boston apartment.

Does the NEWS not CARE about dead trans people?

To hear any activist tell the story — including the President himself — death haunts trans people at every turn. There’s a genocide of trans people, and suicide besides that.

We seldom hear specifics about the profile of the people responsible for those deaths, but it’s left for the public to assume that it’s most likely the same scapegoat for every thing the left hates: Mega-MAGA of course!

You’d think a guy who identifies as a woman dropping dead during a party at some squalid apartment in the projects would be a huge story.

Strangely, the presence of a dead man (who identified as a woman) in the middle of a drug-fueled pary with sex toys and four children ten and under present was not considered newsworthy to the big local papers… until they were shamed into covering it by the traction it was getting on social media — specifically Twitter.

With the national news distracted by the macabre oxygen death clock network news was attaching to their reporting about the doomed submarine, as well as several high-profile stories in DC, including hearings about women in sports, the Durham hearings, and the Hunter Biden sweetheart deal / new Whistleblower corruption allegations, there have been a lot of reasons a local story might not break through to the attention of the national audience.

But there is no excuse for local news to ignore a story like that. At least, there’s no excuse if the goal is an audience that knows what’s happening in their city.

That math changes if the ‘news media’ is actually more interested in narrative-building, shaping opinion, and being ‘influencers’ than they are in telling the truth. In that case, censoring ‘bad’ stories becomes even more important than elevating the ‘good’ ones.

It seems like independent reporting of the story shamed the big guys into covering it. But they were reluctant to share some key facts, and blamed the slowness on ‘Juneteenth’.

Why did the news call them ‘cross-dressing’ & not ‘trans’

Note the second reporter’s voice at the 18-second mark.

How long has it been since the last time you heard the word ‘cross-dresser’? Are they actively trying to build a firewall between this story and ‘trans’?

Hiding children from authorities?

Four kids aged five to 10 have been taken into care after first responders found them hidden in a squalid Boston apartment surrounded by sex toys and drugs where a black trans woman was dead on the floor.

Emergency services found the unidentified woman’s body after an unconscious person report was made at 11am on Saturday morning. They reportedly found six adults who appeared to be men dressed as women inside, who were uncooperative and denied having children at the home.

The children were found jammed together in a cramped room, surrounded by filth and a stench permeating the air, hidden by an adult man reportedly wearing a wig.

City Councilor Erin Murphy told NBC the partygoers attempted to stop a responding firefighter from finding the kids.

‘When he opened the door, he saw four children and what I believe are two adults in the back room, and it was really disturbing to him,’ Murphy said to NBC. ‘They just seemed scared.’

Boston Police are classifying the incident as a death investigation resulting from cardiac arrest and no arrests had been made as of Wednesday. — DailyMail

Imagine this same scenario were to play out in any group or institution that the Woke crowd hadn’t yet hijacked and captured.

If they could connect it to a Church, or to Country Music, members of a gun club, or pretty much anything they could dress up in a Mega-MAGA narrative.

Would the activist media ignore a story involving the abuse of children? We are talking squalor at the very minimum and we’ve not yet ruled out sexual slavery!

We already know the answer to that. We have seen some of the stories the left rushes to report. We’ve also seen the virtual media blackouts even when we have very solid stories bout

Remember the brouhaha over the Trump administration ‘losing’ 1500 children?

Even the media had to pump the brakes on the hype and spin being pushed by the AOC-types in their efforts to demonize Trump.

Contrast that to how carefully the news has been avoiding stories that investigative reporters have turned up about missing migrant kids turning up in child slavery situations ‘paying back’ their ‘benefactors’ by working long hours at dangerous jobs instead of going to school.

Is it any wonder the public has lost all confidence in their ‘traditional news sources’ and why Biden’s administration works so hard to clamp down on any news source that bucks their approved narrative?

The Effeminization Of The American Male by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker