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MEME OF THE DAY: This Trump/Biden 60 Minutes Interview Mashup Is Pure Poetry!

If the world is a dangerous place run largely by some combination of clowns, fools, and psychopaths, it’s always nice to carve a moment out of the chaos to enjoy a little levity.

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If the world is a dangerous place run largely by some combination of clowns, fools, and psychopaths, it’s always nice to carve a moment out of the chaos to enjoy a little levity.

Levity like this mashup video between Trump and Biden where they’re comparing their records as President.

They get into a few other topics too.

Like the mishandling of classified documents.

And they even dish a little bit about ice cream!

The Twitter/X account that posted it does a lot of original work.

You may recall Maze’s work from this gem:

MEGA-VIRAL MEME: Someone Made An Amazing Video Of AOC & Musk … Then Elon Responded! (VIDEO)

If you enjoy his work, feel free to give him a follow.

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This is original artwork by our own Doug Giles.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck