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News Clash

NASTY: Remember The Reporter Murdered In His Philly Home? Turns Out He Was REALLY Shady

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Just yesterday the Democrats were trying to claim the moral high ground after Mace wore that red A on her shirt. What a difference a day makes.

Not long ago, the Clash team covered the story of a man who was shot dead in his own home.
YIKES! Philly Journo Mocked Right’s Crime Concerns — Found Shot Dead In Own Home

To summarize the story, Josh Kruger was portrayed as a guy who had once lived on the streets, kicked a drug habit, became an activist, and wound up working as a reporter for the city before being shot dead in his own home.

Here is a glimpse of how he was portrayed on social media:

At the time, the contrast was the indifference he had expressed to violent crime in cities on his social media posts compared to his own unfortunate and violent end, in his own home.

It wasn’t long before his own darker political activism came to light… specifically Antifa.

It didn’t occur to us to ask whether the killer might have been known to the victim. As it happens, it appears there WAS a previous connection between the (alleged) killer and Kruger.

As reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Josh Kruger had a sexual relationship with him since Davis was was only fifteen years old. Drugs were involved.

The family of Robert Davis, 19, who is accused of killing local journalist Josh Kruger, said that Davis was just 15 when he and Kruger began a years-long relationship involving drugs — and that Davis told them Kruger was threatening to post sexually explicit videos of him online before, police say, Davis shot Kruger.

Those assertions by Davis’ mother and older brother in recent interviews with The Inquirer add troubling new complexities to a killing that has garnered national attention. Their account, they said, is drawn from recent conversations with Davis, and from the years of watching his life unravel as he tried to keep the relationship and his drug addiction hidden.
[…] The family’s contentions come as detectives separately discovered and are investigating what multiple law enforcement sources have called explicit photos and messages in Kruger’s phone. The sources, who requested anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, did not say whether the images or messages were connected to Davis, but said they were “disturbing” and have been turned over to the department’s Special Victims Unit for further analysis.

Deputy Police Commissioner Frank Vanore said the contents of Kruger’s phone are part of the investigation as detectives seek to learn more about why he may have been killed. But critical details of what happened, he said, lie with Davis, who remains at-large. — Inquirer

‘Lifted up the most vulnerable’, they say? That’s one hell of a euphemism for ‘sexually exploiting and blackmailing a minor’.

THIS tweet didn’t age well, did it?

But there’s yet another wrinkle in this story — one that might actually shed light on a possible motive. (More even than what has been outlined above.)

Why is it so many of these ‘woke’ leftwing activists end up looking like Ed Buck wannabes?

We’ve got a message from one of our t-shirts for the whole lot of these clods.

Y’all need Jesus.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck