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Pentagon’s Lethal AI Tech Question Is Big… Proven Anti-GOP Bias Makes It Bigger

What happens if lethal AI tech has liberal authoritarian tendencies baked in?

For anyone paying attention, there have been some seriously big changes in Joe Biden’s version of the United States Armed Forces.

Politicized military

It’s not just the purging of those who are likely to vote GOP (via vax mandate firings), the creepy obsession with race or gender identitarian politics (like Milley studying ‘White Rage’), and who does and does not get fired.

Nobody was fired after the Fall of Kabul in Afghanistan needlessly killed Americans so that Joe could get his photo op for the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Nobody except Lt. Col Stuart Scheller Jr. – who went to the brig for criticizing the top brass. He was drummed out of the military, as was Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the Space force guy who criticized Marxism in the military.

They lost their jobs… for speaking their conscience. Meanwhile, the Pentagon violates US law by using tax dollars to facilitate abortion without consequence. Helluva double standard there.

It gets worse.

The open targeting of conservatives

This week featured a scandal in which someone in the Air Force gave a dire warning to anyone who might attend a political rally they mistakenly attributed as affiliated with Charlie Kirk’s GOP political group: Turning Point -USA. (Kirk’s statement here.)

A text sent by Minot Air Force Base leaders sounded negative about the Dakota Patriot Rally that took place Nov. 17 and had a keynote speaker from Turning Point USA, a conservative organization. The message warned that some attendees of the rally could be confrontational with service members, adding that airmen could “jeopardize” their careers by being involved with such groups.

“Leaders, please exercise caution if downtown this weekend,” the text obtained by Fox News said. “We just got word of an event going at the fairgrounds downtown called Dakota Patriot Rally. Its guest speaker is from an alt-right organization called Turning Point Action.”

The text added, “Please advise your folks that if they are going to be downtown this weekend, it’s good to be cautious, as the crowds this event may attract could be confrontational to military members. Additionally please remind them that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the U.S. military.” — WashingtonTimes

Do you suppose maybe that actively violating the 1A rights of enlisted military to freely associate might be part of that enlistment and morale problem Uncle Sam has got going on?

Woke readiness over combat readiness

Biden has been gutting American military stockpiles, leaving them in Afghanistan or sending them to Ukraine faster than they can be replenished… and when they are replenished, it further depletes US resources resulting in a net loss, every time. Maybe THAT is part of why we fail our military audits miserably, every single year.

Instead of directing precious Pentagon resources on military readiness, on keeping pace with the relentless growth of China’s military, on the kind of training and/or maintenance that will keep our helicopters from falling from the sky, Biden’s Pentagon wants money for… Wokeness.

All of that is bad. AI makes it worse

In an August address, US Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks stated that technologies such as AI-controlled drone swarms will allow the US to balance China’s manpower’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) numerical superiority in weapons and manpower.

“We’ll counter the PLA’s mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, harder to beat,” she said, Reuters reported.

The Air Force secretary, Frank Kendall, told The Times that AI drones will need to have the capability to make lethal decisions while under human supervision. — ThePoliticsBrief

Even if it could be properly calibrated by the military not to go rogue as it does in so many Sci-fi movies ranging from War Games (1983), to Skynet in the Terminator franchise, or even Stealth (2005)… there’s a whole other set of problems built into that equation.

Military advancements almost always find their way into civilian applications.

We have seen from Chat GPT that the algorithms are overwhelmingly in agreement with the ideological left… even when it has to make up lies to support its own position… which is pretty crazy by itself.

What happens if the civilian application of this lethal tech happens to be picked up by — oh, lets’ say — law enforcement.

The FBI has already shown us how biased they are in their selective application of the law. What happens if we put the SPLC political biases and beliefs about ‘structural racism’ and the extremist danger of white voters in flyover country with traditional values… with the gun-grabbing authoritarian tendancies of the left… and link it to an internet that can see into every aspect of every citizens personal life?

We get some kind of a dystopian nightmare hybrid blending the worst parts of Robocop…

And Eagle Eye…

When the left tells us they want a ‘civil war’ you didn’t REALLY think they wanted a fair fight, did you?

Maybe we should proceed with a good dose of caution on this one.

Check out ClashRadio for more wit and wisdom from ClashDaily’s Big Dawg. While you’re at it, here’s his latest book:

If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive

Much of the Left loathes masculinity and they love to paint Jesus as a non-offensive bearded woman who endorses their agenda. This book blows that nonsense all to hell. From the stonking laptop of bestselling author, Doug Giles, comes a new book that focuses on Jesus’ overt masculine traits like no other books have heretofore. It’s informative, bold, hilarious, and scary. Giles has concluded, after many years of scouring the scripture that, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive. 

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck