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Democrats Say Trump Is A Dictator And Honest Citizens Should Be Disarmed

Opinion. Submitted by Rob Morse

President Donald Trump recently said the Biden Administration’s open border policy puts US security at risk. The Biden administration then compared Trump to Hitler. So did CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. Those Democrat apologists conveniently ignored that the Biden administration actually arrested and charged journalists for covering the January 6th protests. It was Democrat politicians who had previously called for Trump supporters to be forced into reeducation camps. If Trump is actually a threat to democracy, then why did the Democrats immediately turn around and demand that honest citizens should be forcibly disarmed? Why would you disarm the people if they are facing imminent tyranny? The reason is simple. For Democrat politicians and their apologists, any excuse will do to disarm honest citizens.

Adolf Hitler invaded Europe, North Africa, and Russia. 35 million people died in the European theater during World War 2. That includes 6-million Jews. Hitler staged the burning of the German Parliament building to suspend civil liberties in Germany. Donald Trump wrote mean tweets and questioned the integrity of an election. A few democrats see this as morally the same. Most of us don’t.

When you look at our recent history, Democrat politicians across the country call for gun-control every month. Each proposal is called an urgent response to protect public safety. What they don’t tell us is that there are already 23-thousand firearms regulations in place. They don’t tell us that criminals ignore our gun laws just like they ignore the laws against violent crime. The news media never asks how the next law will work where the existing thousand laws failed. The media certainly won’t mention that much of the Democrat’s push for gun-control is outside the US Constitution.

Because of the media-fueling distortion, I need to remind you that there was one mass murder at a school in 2022. (Uvalde, Texas) At the same time, honest citizens legally use a firearm to stop violent crime about 7,600 times a day. For all the breathless interviews and spilled ink, you’d think that the news media would have mentioned those simple facts that put gun-control into perspective.

It is important to follow the money to understand politics today. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars to disarm honest citizens. He also spent over a hundred-million dollars getting Democrats elected. Those elected officials then propose and support more gun-control laws. There may be pro-gun democrat voters, but gun-control is now the official plank of the Democrat party.

Democrats may say they want to empower us, but they work to destroy the economy. Democrats say they may want to make us safer, but they open our borders to drug gangs, refuse to prosecute criminals, and then make it impossible for honest citizens to protect themselves.

Actions speak louder than words. Please remember that Hitler disarmed the Jews before he began rounding them up.

Writing has been slow because I am still getting over a cold. Please share this article with a friend. RM

Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.