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Hunter’s Transcripts Are Out And They Weren’t The ‘Win’ Dems Thought They Were

Democrat spinmeister damage control might have worked if this weren't public record, but...

Democrats came together during Hunter’s testimony to brag on how Republicans never laid a glove on Joe Biden having any contact with Joe’s business. But is that REALL what we learned from his testimony?

The exact same personalities who tortured the meaning of ‘Quid Pro Quo’ in Trump impeachment 1.0 are back again in defense of Joe and Hunter Biden. They have no shame and their hypocrisy doesn’t bother them. They think they can wave the whole case off as circumstantial evidence to incriminate innocent activity.

No… that’s the right way to describe both impeachments, but that ISN’T what’s going on here. Bank records, emails, photographs, business documents and the literal testimony of former business associates is NOT to be confused with a ‘circumstantial case’.

Even his specific claims (under oath!) of not having direct involvement with Joe in his business dealings run afoul of other evidence that Oversight already has access to.

Oversight gave a link to the full transcript for anyone interested in what was said.

And they summarized what they considered the key takeaways:

Before the transcripts came out, Just the News listed a number of areas where the testimony of that opening statement conflicted with known facts, including:

1) Cafe Milano Meetings
2) Air Force 2 trip to Beijing
3) Naval Observatory meeting
4) CEFC China Energy meeting in D.C.
5) Burisma board meeting in Dubai
6) Mexican partners visit the White House

All of these things are known to have happened, but Joe had no connection whatsoever to Hunter’s business? We’re supposed to believe that?


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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck