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News Clash

OOPS: Dems Just Picked Up The WORST Possible Endorsement… Even David Duke Might Be Less Toxic

Journos demanded routine GOP denuncations of Richard Spenser... let's see if they do the same here

If the Trump team is smart, they will hang this around Joe’s neck like an albatross.

Richard Spenser’s endorsement of Biden never got anywhere near the press attention his endorsement of Trump 2016 did. What happens when an actual despot cheers Dem activists?

If the regime media had any interest in playing fair, they would stick a microphone in the face of every Democrat in the party and ask what racist Biden policy would motivate a bigot like Spenser to support Biden in 2020 and now, every Democrat would ask a similar question about a tyrant who literally wants to see every American dead or conquered.

We’re speaking, of course, about the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. A country on the brink of nuclear capability. A country Biden has pressured our allies NOT to censure for its nuclear ambitions. A country that has put cash bounties on the lives of US citizens and public servants. A country that leading Democrats (including Obama, Biden and Kerry) have shielded from criminal prosecution (details here), even when that prosecution involved potential terrorism charges.

The Iran endorsement.

That’s right. Even as Congress hears calls for a Democrat member of Congress to be kicked out for speaking at an event sponsored by a bona-fide terrorist group, and Biden faces relentless pressure from his own party (not to mention activists bankrolled by his own donors) to increasingly side with Hamas against Israel…

We now see the man behind the theocratic regime calling for the slaughter of his own citizens (to say nothing his nation’s deep-seated calls for ‘Death to’ both America and Israel) aligning with the genocidal ‘river-to-the-sea’ crowd whose real racial and religious supremacist intentions are best seen in the founding documents of the ruling party behind the terror attack targeting Jewish civilians last October that triggered the war that is currently devastating Gaza.

And THAT man is a big fan of the same people Joe Biden is trying to appease by pressing hard against Israel.

Here’s why this matters. Joe Biden’s very first campaign video in 2020 claimed he was running in response to those guys in Charlottesville with Tiki torches. He made a big deal about ‘veins’ in their forheads.

Those particular protesters were motivated by antisemitism.

Since that time, Joe Biden has been personally endorsed by Richard Spencer — without suffering any reputational damage from that endorsement.

NOW, the hard-left flank of the Democrat party and their open support for pro-Hamas highly-orchestrated ‘protesters’ picking up exactly where BLM and Antifa left off in the 2020 race, we are seeing the leader of the same country Biden’s inner circle have bent over backward to both protect and appease has been praising the rioters who have been calling for a racial purge of Jews from Israel.

For someone who ran on the ‘Charlottesville’ premise, Joe sure has surrounded himself with an awful lot of antisemitic friends and supporters.

Will his party return all the money donated to them by Soros and the Tides Foundation? Of course not.

Will he condemn the pro-Hamas protesters? He dare not do so. He’s walking a knife’s edge of support as it is. Just ask Rashida Tlaib’s new friends. They think they have the power of life and death over Joe Biden’s political future.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck