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The 2024 Debate

Just think . . . the self-proclaimed smartest people on earth decided it was a good idea to put Joe Biden on the debate stage last week, forwarding the proposition he can win in November and govern effectively thereafter.

Just think . . . the self-proclaimed smartest people on earth decided it was a good idea to put Joe Biden on the debate stage last week, forwarding the proposition he can win in November and govern effectively thereafter.

They pretended debate participation was a routine matter in presidential politics. They prepared their candidate for a week. They arranged the debate rules to favor Biden. They unleashed the Democrat propaganda machine. And they ignored long-standing poll numbers strongly indicating Biden was heading for a brick wall at two miles per hour.

Within one minute, the debate was over. Viewers realized the President has declined from being impaired to suffering pervasive incoherence.

Today we hear White House staffers were astounded Biden showed so poorly. Does anyone with a functioning brain actually believe this bilge? Of course they knew he was merely a ghost with a grudge. They’d suffered his decline and his tirades for years!

One conspiracy theory holds Democrat leaders in an especially bad light. It contends an unusually early debate would flush Biden out of the campaign, making room for a viable candidate. In other words, Dem leaders purposely sabotaged Biden, letting him humiliate himself, justifying a switch to another candidate. There are at least five problems involved no matter which way they turn.

  • Procedurally, Democrat leaders can’t act without Biden’s approval.
  • 72% of voters polled say he is incapable of doing the job.
  • Donors are running for the hills.
  • Democrats do not have a viable candidate to replace Biden.
  • Even if they get Biden out of the way, they must deal with Harris, another insurmountable problem.

It is reported that Jill Biden has spent the last four days shielding Biden from anyone trying to convince him to throw in the towel.  Elder care indeed.

Today, we are left with confusion and chaos, murder and mayhem thanks to the open border, and national security vulnerabilities never seen in America. Strategists in Iran, China, North Korea, and Russia are set to decide on options before election day, and immediately thereafter.

Meanwhile, Biden focuses on what is best for him, ignoring the plight of the country, paying attention to Hunter’s advice which is reportedly ‘stay the course,’ for obvious reasons, like pardons and paydays.

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.