Never before have we seen such heightened tensions, wars and rumors of war. (Matt. 24) The world is armed to the teeth, teetering on the brink of all-out disaster.
One way of painting the big picture is to show that this is a global clash between the forces of righteousness versus the armies seeking revenge. God is the head of the former, and Satan is the leader of the later: one is light, the other darkness.
This week, Democrats in Chicago reveal what they really think about the world and morality. They reveal who they really are by sponsoring mobile abortion facilities near the convention center. Notice they opt for chemical abortions to cloak the bloody butcher shop reality of their massive exercise in slaughter.
It’s a form of revenge.
They have taught women that what was once sacred, the creation of new life, is rather, a disease. Hating God’s plan, they resent their role and seek revenge. Pro-choice is anti-life, sacrificing the innocent on the altar of convenience.
In fact, the entire thrust of the darkness is grounded in a spirit of revenge. As the thinking goes, all is wrong in the world, and this is largely the fault of white, western males who ought to pay with their lives for the sins of the world, a macabre twist on the actual good news. Thus, white male Christian capitalists are the villains, and communists/atheists are the saints.
The darkness is polished in the art of deception, leading to chaos.
The darkness is confounded by reality because one world view succeeds while the other does not. The addiction to hate and resentment runs headlong against the spirit of love and success, and this makes the darkness seethe all the more!
Meanwhile Republicans aligned with MAGA/America First, preach the good news, that while our sins are many, and all have fallen short, there is salvation in returning to old time religion which demands repentance and renewal unto righteousness, not revenge.
While it often seems hopeless, especially when most Christians don’t vote, ultimately our citizenship is not of this world. God will deal with all unrighteousness. As we rapidly approach the final judgment His voice is loud and clear.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. (Romans 12:19)