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The Serious Threat of President Donald J Trump

(This op-ed originally appeared on Rob Morse's Slowfacts blog and is reprinted by permission)

I have heard that President Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. You have heard it too. Politicians and pundits said it many times. They claim President Trump challenges the very core of our political system. I think that is true. This is why.

The billionaire donors to the Democrat Party are threatened. The theory was that a politician would stay bought once he was paid for. What if billionaires like Soros, Bloomberg, and other bundlers had to earn their votes the old-fashioned way, by convincing a majority of the voters. What if the owners of Dominion Voting Machines reported the votes that were cast rather than inventing 2AM votes? If that actually happened, why democracy as we know it would be overturned.

If our democracy was threatened, then special interests that bought access to our economy would again have to compete with other suppliers. Warren Buffett’s railroad couldn’t sink the pipelines that supplies oil at a lower cost. That is why politicians wrote themselves into the permission process on large projects so that companies are forced to pay off the politicians. That prostitutes our State Department and our EPA, to name only a few. Corruption is woven into our “democracy,” and Donald Trump is an existential threat to that status quo.

Special interests like large unions, environmentalists, and even so called “fact checkers” fund politicians with tens of millions of dollars of cash or in-kind donations each election cycle. The politicians return the favor. No wonder Trump is seen as a threat to democracy as we know it.

We’ve seen politicians become rich to the tune of hundreds-of-millions of dollars through insider stock trading. The small investor can’t compete with Nancy Pelosi. In contrast, Donald Trump made his money by building resorts. Anyone can try and compete with him. What if Trump is elected and he delays signing a thousand-page bill? Now Pelosi’s stock options expire. My unsophisticated point of view is that laws should benefit the citizens rather than benefitting the politicians. Stopping that corrupt business-as-usual is certainly a threat to our democracy. It is about time.

We saw the deep state invent accusation of corruption against Donald Trump. We saw them invent criminal charges against Donald Trump. We saw them invent charges against citizens who protested a shady election. We saw the same deep state that hung Jeffrey Epstein let a murderer take a shot at a former president. That is proof that President Trump threatens the deep state. The corporate media ignored that attack and the corruption behind it. Donald Trump then had an interview with Elon Musk that was watched over a billion times. No wonder the Deep State and Corporate Media feel threatened. We don’t need them for our news, and that certainly changes the way democracy is practiced in the USA today.

I described how the political phenomenon that is Donald J. Trump threatens our democracy and our existing political structure. I could not cite proof of each claim in only a few hundred words. I did not provide proof of widespread corruption but the evidence of your own eyes can do that for you. In fact, your lived experience probably shows you many examples I have missed.

Yes, Donald Trump threatens our democratic structures and they need to be frightened to their core. They need to return to serving the citizens of this country rather than cutting deals for themselves and serving the elites. I hope President Trump, and the voters, continue to threaten the powers that presently corrupt our society.

Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.