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BREAKING: Iran Launches Waves Of Missiles At Israel… And Jihadists Attack Tel Aviv

Netanyahu offers a future of Jews and Persians living together in a prosperous future

***Editor’s Note/ Update***
As Wes was writing the article that follows, with a headline about the message of peace that Netanyahu was offering to the Persian citizens of Iran, their regime’s Revolutionary Guard has launched a missile volley in Israel’s direction

The original message, as written, will appear below this update, as identified by the line break below.

The IDF has declassified information about an attack of the sort seen on October 7th that Hezbollah was planning to execute in Northern Israel…

If you have the 11 minutes to spare, it’s rally quite an impressive report about just how far along these terrorist preparations had come… and how Israel has been dropping the *boom* on the terrorists’ best laid plans.

IDF indicates missile warnings are in effect in most of Israel.

In news that may or may not be directly related to the Iran attack, there has been a (presumed jihadist) attack in Tel Aviv.

The hits keep coming for Israel’s military objectives… and Iran is reeling so badly that their Supreme Leader is now in hiding.

He’s really courageous in spending the lives of others cheaply… but his own? That’s too precious to give to The Cause. No time to mock that inconsistency. Too much news to talk about.

With Hamas degraded from a military organization to a ragtag group of terrorists, Israel has turned its attention to other urgent concerns in recent weeks. The world has watched in amazement as the same methodical efficiency that was used to identify and eliminate the leadership structure in Hamas was also employed to decapitate the terrorist organization (Hezbollah) in Lebanon, too.

Hezbollah are the same jihadists that threw Lebanon into the chaos of civil war in the 1980s, and (backed by Iranian cash) have held Lebanese citizens in their thrall in much the same way that Mexican cartels have thrown their weight around in Mexico. They don’t play nice and they aren’t bound by laws or common decency that would govern anyone else.

They have murdered 241 American and 58 French military in a 1983 bombing that had never been avenged. They and the tens of thousands of rockets pointed at Israeli cities have been the loaded gun that Iran has held to the head of Israel and the West in any negotiations.

But beginning with the pager attacks, continuing with the air strike taking out Hezbollah’s cowardly leader dying while he hid in his underground bunker, and moving to a mop-up operation where Israel is gone into terrorist-controlled areas of Lebanon to systematically wipe out hideouts and missile sites they have developed sophisticated information about… that gun no longer poses the threat it once did.

Israel has also pounded Yemen in response to the 2 ICBMs they tried (unsuccessfully) to send into Israel.

It’s been a rough week for Iran’s hired muscle.

Israel has issued a threat to the Iranian regime itself to stand down while Israel takes care of business in Southern Lebanon. If Iran ignores that warning, their oil and nuclear sites will become valid military targets.

Here’s the problem Israel faces. Iran is a country of regular people held hostage by a tyrannical regime. It’s important that Persians in Iran realize that Israelis can envision a possible future where both countries live together in cooperation and relative peace.

Exactly the opposite of the warlike message their leaders keep giving.

With that backdrop in place, here is the message Israel — which now finds itself in a position of strength unlike any seen in years — has for the regular people of Iran being held under the boot of their extremist regime. This message isn’t for the Mullahs. It’s for the Persian citizens themselves.

In the present context, it’s hard to imagine a more relevant time for this topic:

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck