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PLAGIARISM: A Reason For Kamala’s Unfitness For Office That Has STILL Been Undersold

That particular kind of stain on her record is especially damning for a very specific reason

Not every example of bad judgment is equally wrong. For example, we all laughed when Bill Clinton lied and said he ‘didn’t inhale’. But Juanita Broaddrick’s allegations were a whole different story.

Both were violations of law, but they were nothing alike in scope or seriousness. Nobody cared if he was a ‘midnite toker’… but the allegation of ‘rape’ is not one that goes away quietly. Even journalists reluctantly agreed they should have believed Juanita’s story… once the Clintons no longer had a path to power.

Joe Biden’s first shot at the Presidency was derailed by precisely the sin of plagiarism. It disqualified him from the Presidency for literally decades. But for a few lucky bounces — Obama picking him as what many of us jokingly called ‘assassination insurance’, together with Bernie Sanders opening up a lead that nobody but Joe could catch left the Democrat machine no choice but to coalesce around him.

But in a world where nobody’s putting their thumb on the scale? Joe would never have had another sniff at the Presidency. The plagiarism was just one symptom of a deeper problem.

The nature and seriousness of that problem is best illustrated by reviewing whose jobs are forfeit when plagiarism is discovered:

A quick websearch turns up many examples of the obvious culprits: news media types and researchers getting fired for plagiarism. If their word is worthless, than they have nothing they can contribute with their craft.

Just this past year, we’ve seen the heads of Ivy League Universities resign in shame once their own plagiarism was exposed.

High-ranking politicians have recently resigned in places like Norway over this exact scandal.

Considering Kamala is applying for the role of Commander-in-Chief, it is only fitting that we see what the policy is for those under the command of the job she hopes to hold.

NAVY: “Plagiarism and other forms of cheating and lying are prohibited by the Honor Concept of the Brigade of Midshipmen. Those in violation of the Honor Concept face punishments ranging from counseling to failing classes or even dismissal from the Academy.”

If those she would like to command can be punished or even dismissed for such discreditable conduct, how does she intend to lead such a military? Tim Walz tried to take jabs at JD’s book, but — as JD’s dig at Kamala pointedly reminds him — at least the content in Vance’s book was his own.

Why should we think it a serious problem if Kamala really did plagiarize the content in her book as many reliable critics have claimed?

Plagiarism is serious because it is the Venn Diagram meeting point of several kinds of dishonesty — theft of someone else’s ideas; fraud, claiming them as one’s own; and deceit, the lie used to cover the other two wrongs.

The context of this lie is the most damning aspect of her deception. This was not the kind of lie that was used to shield underlings from the consequences of decisions she herself had made, or to soften the blow to the reputation of a friend or relative.

This was the kind of petty, lazy, and self-serving collecting of other people’s work and claiming it as one’s own without attribution.

To what end?

Profit and ambition.

If she’s willing to lie so freely and blatently about the little things — how can she be trusted with greater responsibilities where the temptation to lie to save her own skin, or worse: abuse power to do the same, will be far, far stronger?

She can’t.

She can’t even tell us the truth about her stance on fracking… because she’s the most transparently grasping sort of politican there is… and that is a dangerous breed indeed.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck