
HILARIOUS: Hugh Hewitt Humiliates Partisan Journos… On Live TV (VIDEO)

Even a gentle soul like Hugh Hewitt can be pushed too far

Hugh Hewitt is just about the LEAST likely news and radio personality to deliver an on-air public spanking… until now.

People who read pages like Clash Daily enjoy a certain kind of — ferocity — in their political exchanges. There’s nothing quite as satisfying to our ‘stay rowdy’ ethic as a public beat-down of willful stupidity.

But there are some on our side who still abide by the more polite and dignified approach to public disagreement. Some of them do it because they’re afraid to stick their neck out. Others do it out of a commitment to general principles of civility.

Hugh Hewitt is the latter. He’s a gentleman on and off the air. To the point that he even recuses himself from speaking ill of any news outlet with whom he has had a working relationship in the past.


But those very same principles are at play in this interview where he is a guest on an equivalent-to-TV WaPo video program that is deliberately peddling half-truths about Trump and 2024 election integrity court cases.

Unlike most so-called ‘mic drop’ moments, this one really lived up to its name.

Here’s the video:

And the post from which it came:

Hugh simply said what needed saying, called out their partisan lies, and walked off the (digital) stage.

Is it any wonder that Gallup polls earlier this month showed widespread public agreement with Trump’s longstanding habit of calling the media ‘fake news’?

Americans continue to register record-low trust in the mass media, with 31% expressing a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly,” similar to last year’s 32%. Americans’ trust in the media — such as newspapers, television and radio — first fell to 32% in 2016 and did so again last year.

For the third consecutive year, more U.S. adults have no trust at all in the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another 33% of Americans express “not very much” confidence. — Gallup

It just goes to show you, that even the most mild-mannered personalities can roar like a lion when they have the truth in their mouths.

John The Baptist: A Rude Awakening Precedes A Great Awakening.

This timely little tome chronicles the politically incorrect ministry of one of God’s most effective wildmen, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Christ’s ministry.

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In our putrid, worldly culture that has turned away from God, this book is a must-read for every Christian.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck